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pypm install iw.thumbs

How to install iw.thumbs

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install iw.thumbs
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
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Lastest release
version 1.2 on Jan 5th, 2011


ìw.thumbs` is used to serve image thumbnail. The thumbnail is cached in a directory and served with paste.fileapp so correct headers (ETag, If-Modified, etc.) are returned.

iw.thumbs is highly configurable but if you use Paste to serve your application you probably only need to read the last part of this documentation.


The Thumb middleware take four arguments:

  • application: the wsgi application to wrap.
  • url_parser: a callable to retrieve the size of the thumbnail and the

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 21)

Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

attending size as a tuple (width, height) Default: iw.thumbs.url.url_parser The default value match urls like /thumbs/100x100/path/to/image.png and return ('/path/to/image.png', (100, 100))

  • url_regexp: a regexp passed as argument to the default url_parser. The regexp

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 27)

Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

must have groups named path, width and height. Default: '^/+thumbs/+(?P<width>[0-9]{2,3})x(?P<height>[0-9]{2,3})/{0,1}(?P<path>/.+)'

  • image_fetcher: a callable to retrieve the real image path

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 31)

Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

Default: iw.thumbs.image_fetcher The default value return the PATH_INFO so you may override it. This callable is used to retrieve image from file system but you can also use it to retrieve image from other location like proxy, ftp, etc.

  • image_dir: a directory where images are stored. Used by image_fetcher if

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 37)

Bullet list ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent.

the default one is used.

  • cache_dir: a path to the directory used to cache thumbnails (required)
  • debug: debug mode. Default: False


Write a method to retrieve your image path from the PATH_INFO:

>>> def image_fetcher(path_info):

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 49)

Inconsistent literal block quoting.

... return os.path.join(package_dir, *path_info.split('/')[1:])

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 49); backlink

Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.

Wrap your application with the middleware:

>>> from iw.thumbs.middleware import Thumbs
>>> app = Thumbs(test_app, image_fetcher=image_fetcher, cache_dir=cache_dir)

Then ask for an image:

>>> environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD':'GET',

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 59)

Inconsistent literal block quoting.

... 'PATH_INFO':'/thumbs/50x50/tests/logo.png'} >>> print app.get_app(environ) <paste.fileapp.FileApp object at ...>

Override the default url regexp:

>>> regexp = '^/my_thumbs/(?P<width>[0-9]+)x(?P<height>[0-9]+)(?P<path>/.+)'
>>> app = Thumbs(test_app, image_fetcher=image_fetcher, cache_dir=cache_dir,

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 67)

Inconsistent literal block quoting.

... url_regexp=regexp)

>>> environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD':'GET', 'PATH_INFO':'/my_thumbs/50x50/tests/logo.png'}
>>> print app.get_app(environ)
<paste.fileapp.FileApp object at ...>

If the path does not match an image, the test_app is served:

>>> environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD':'GET', 'PATH_INFO':'/index.html'}
>>> print app.get_app(environ)

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 77)

Inconsistent literal block quoting.

<function test_app at ...>

Using sizes names

You can use size names:

>>> app = Thumbs(test_app, image_fetcher=image_fetcher, cache_dir=cache_dir,

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 85)

Inconsistent literal block quoting.

... url_regexp='/thumbs/(?P<size>%s)(?P<path>/.*)', ... url_parser='iw.thumbs.url:size_parser', ... sizes={'thumb': (100,100), 'large': (600,600)})

>>> environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD':'GET', 'PATH_INFO':'/thumbs/large/tests/logo.png'}
>>> print app.get_app(environ)
<paste.fileapp.FileApp object at ...>

Implementing your own parser

You need a callable who return a callable and the compiled regexp.

Let's define our strategy with a regexp:

>>> re_thumb = '^/thumbs(?P<path>/.*)'

Then implement it with a parser:

>>> import re
>>> def custom_parser(regexp, **kwargs):

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 106)

Inconsistent literal block quoting.

... regexp = re.compile(regexp) ... def parser(url): ... m = regexp.match(url) ... if m: ... path = m.group('path') ... return path, (100, 100) ... return parser, regexp

Check this work:

>>> app = Thumbs(test_app, image_fetcher=image_fetcher, cache_dir=cache_dir,

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 117)

Inconsistent literal block quoting.

... url_regexp=re_thumb, url_parser=custom_parser)

>>> environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD':'GET', 'PATH_INFO':'/thumbs/tests/logo.png'}
>>> print app.get_app(environ)
<paste.fileapp.FileApp object at ...>


Resize an image file to the specified destination at size:

>>> from iw.thumbs.image import resize
>>> thumbnail = os.path.join(cache_dir, 'thumb.png')
>>> print resize(image_path, thumbnail, size=(50, 50))

System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 131)

Inconsistent literal block quoting.

/..._cache/thumb.png >>> os.path.isfile(thumbnail) True

Paste factory

The package provide a Paste factory.

Here is a sample configuration:


System Message: ERROR/3 (<string>, line 145)

Inconsistent literal block quoting.

use = egg:Paste#urlmap /images = thumbs_app / = middlewares

# a standalone application to serve files in image_dir. The application is a # static application wrapped with the iw.thumbs middleware [app:thumbs_app] use = egg:iw.thumbs url_regexp = ^/+(?P<width>[0-9]+)x(?P<height>[0-9]+)/{0,1}(?P<path>/.+) image_dir = %(here)s/images cache_dir = %(here)s/images_cache

[pipeline:middlewares] pipeline = thumbs named_thumbs test_app

# an example tho override the default regexp [filter:thumbs] use = egg:iw.thumbs url_regexp = ^/+(?P<width>[0-9]+)x(?P<height>[0-9]+)/{0,1}(?P<path>/.+) image_dir = %(here)s/images cache_dir = %(here)s/images_cache

# another example using sizes names [filter:named_thumbs] use = egg:iw.thumbs url_regexp = ^/(?P<size>%s)(?P<path>/.+) url_parser = iw.thumbs.url:size_parser image_dir = %(here)s/images cache_dir = %(here)s/images_cache sizes = thumb = 200x200 large = 600x600

[app:test_app] use = egg:Paste#static document_root = %(here)s/

[server:main] use = egg:Paste#http host =

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Last updated Jan 5th, 2011

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