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horae.search is unavailable in PyPM, because there aren't any builds for it in the package repositories. Click the linked icons to find out why.

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The horae.search provides searching functionality for the Horae resource planning system by implementing a ajax driven full text search and a pluggable advanced search form. Additionally it implements a restricted special Query implementation based on the one provided by hurry.query which only returns results the user is allowed to see.


There are several ways to extend and adjust the behaviour of the search forms and results by registering special adapters. The following possibilities are available for any views sub-classing from horae.search.search.SearchMixin.

Extending the advanced search form

The advanced search form may be extended by registering a named multi adapter implementing horae.search.interfaces.IAdvancedSearchFieldProvider and adapting the context and request. If for example one would like to add a new TextLine field searching in a custom catalog the implementation would look something like this:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 27)

Literal block expected; none found.

import grok

from zope import interface from zope import schema from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest

from hurry import query

from horae.search import interfaces

class SampleAdvancedSearchFieldProvider(grok.MultiAdapter): grok.adapts(interface.Interface, IBrowserRequest) grok.implements(interfaces.IAdvancedSearchFieldProvider) grok.name('sampleadvancedfieldprovider')

def __init__(self, context, request): self.context = context self.request = request

def fields(self): """ Returns a list of fields to be added to the form """ return [ schema.TextLine( __name__ = 'sample_text_line', title = u'Sample text line' ) ]

def query(self, **data): """ Returns a list of queries """ queries = [] if 'sample_text_line' in data: queries.append(query.Text(('samplecatalog', 'text'), data['sample_text_line'])) return queries

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 56); backlink

Inline strong start-string without end-string.
Adjusting default sorting

By default the search results are sorted by a special integer index in the catalog. This integer may be adjusted by registering a named adapter implementing horae.search.interfaces.ISortingProvider and adapting the object the sorting should be changed for. If for example one would like to move every ticket having a special property set to the bottom of the search results the implementation would look like this:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 75)

Literal block expected; none found.

from horae.ticketing.interfaces import ITicket

class SampleSortingProvider(grok.Adapter): grok.context(ITicket) grok.implements(interfaces.ISortingProvider) grok.name('samplesortingprovider')

def add(self): """ Returns an integer to be added to the sorting """ return 0

def adjust(self, sorting): """ Adjusts the sorting after all providers sorting where added and returns the adjusted sorting """ if (self.context.get_property('my_special_property', None) is not None): return 0 return sorting

Changing default sorting

As mentioned above the default sorting of the search results is a special integer index in the catalog. This may be changed by registering an adapter implementing horae.search.interfaces.IDefaultSortingProvider and adapting either the search view or the search view and the desired context. An example implementation changing the default sorting of the advanced search results would look like this:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 104)

Literal block expected; none found.

from horae.search import search

class SampleDefaultSortingProvider(grok.Adapter): grok.context(search.AdvancedSearch) grok.implements(interfaces.IDefaultSortingProvider)

def sort_field(self): """ The index used to sort """ return ('samplecatalog', 'sorting')

def reverse(self): """ Whether to reverse the sort order """ return False

Adding columns

Adding new columns to the results table is possible by registering a named adapter implementing horae.search.interfaces.IColumnProvider adapting the desired context. The following is an example implementation found in horae.search.search providing a column showing whether an object has been completed or not:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 128)

Literal block expected; none found.

class CompleteColumnProvider(grok.Adapter): """ Column provider adding the complete column """ grok.implements(interfaces.IColumnProvider) grok.context(interface.Interface) grok.name('horae.search.column.complete')

name = 'complete' title = _(u'Completed') sortable = None insert_after = '*'

def __init__(self, context): self.context = context

def filterable(self): """ Returns a vocabulary for filtering the column or None if no filtering is available """ return vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary([ vocabulary.SimpleTerm(0, 'no', _p(u'No')), vocabulary.SimpleTerm(1, 'yes', _p(u'Yes')) ])

def factory(self, object, request): """ Returns the value to be displayed for the given object """ return (IComplete(object, lambda: False)() and _p(u'Yes') or _p(u'No'))

def cache_key(self, key, *args, **kwargs): """ Modifies the cache key if needed and returns it """ return key + parents_modification_cache_key(self.context)

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 157); backlink

Inline emphasis start-string without end-string.

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 157); backlink

Inline strong start-string without end-string.
Adding row CSS class

Last but not least one may add custom CSS classes to the rows by registering a named adapter implementing horae.search.interfaces.IRowClassProvider adapting the desired context. An example implementation adding a CSS class special if a ticket has a special property set would look like this:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 170)

Literal block expected; none found.

class SampleRowClassProvider(grok.Adapter): grok.context(ITicket) grok.implements(interfaces.IRowClassProvider)

def classes(self): """ Returns a list of CSS classes to be set on the row """ if (self.context.get_property('my_special_property', None) is not None): return ['special'] return []


1.0a1 (2012-01-16)
  • Initial release

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