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pypm install horae.groupselect

How to install horae.groupselect

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install horae.groupselect
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
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version 1.0a1 on Jan 17th, 2012


horae.groupselect provides a grouped Dropdown widget for zope.formlib using the default optgroup elements provided by HTML.


To use a grouped dropdown widget the previously used Choice field of the schema has to be replaced by a GroupedChoice field provided in horae.groupedselect.field. A GroupedChoice field takes the exactly same parameters as the stock Choice field but additionally an instance of a groups provider (implementing horae.groupedselect.interfaces.IGroups) has to be provided over the parameter groups. The mentioned groups provider converts the vocabulary of the field into a list of groups.

Imagine field to select a country and you would like to group them by region:

System Message: WARNING/2 (<string>, line 23)

Literal block expected; none found.

from zope import interface, implements from zope.schema import vocabulary

from horae.groupedselect import field, interfaces

class Country(object): def __init__(self, region, country): self.region = region self.country = country

class CountryGroups(object): implements(interfaces.IGroups)

def groups(self, vocabulary): """ Converts the given vocabulary into a list of groups:

return (('Group 1', (term1, term2, term3)), ('Group 2', (term6, term5, term6)),) """ groups = {} for term in vocabulary: if not term.value.region in groups: groups[term.value.region] = () groups[term.value.region] = groups[term.value.region] + (term,) return groups.items()

class ICountrySelection(interface.Interface):

country = field.GroupedChoice( title = u'Country', vocabulary = vocabulary.SimpleVocabulary(( # ... vocabulary.SimpleTerm( Country(u'Europe', u'Switzerland'), 'ch', u'Switzerland' ), vocabulary.SimpleTerm( Country(u'Europe', u'Germany'), 'de', u'Germany' ), vocabulary.SimpleTerm( Country(u'Europe', u'Austria'), 'at', u'Austria' ), vocabulary.SimpleTerm( Country(u'Europe', u'France'), 'fr', u'France' ), # ... vocabulary.SimpleTerm( Country(u'North America', u'USA'), 'us', u'USA' ), vocabulary.SimpleTerm( Country(u'Europe', u'Canada'), 'ca', u'Canada' ), # ... )), groups = CountryGroups() )



1.0a1 (2012-01-16)
  • Initial release

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Last updated Jan 17th, 2012

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