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pypm install emulaterest

How to install emulaterest

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install emulaterest
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
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0.1 Available View build log
Lastest release
version 0.2 on May 21st, 2013

WSGI middleware that does Rails style PUT and DELETE request emulation.

The middleware intercepts the wrapped application's response and looks for forms with method="PUT" or method="DELETE". For each such form it replaces the value of method with "POST" and adds a hidden input field _method that contains the original request method. It also intercepts incoming requests and does the inverse transformation.

What this all means is that you can use PUT and DELETE forms in your HTML code, without having to worry about browser support for these request methods.


You can install EmulateRest from PyPI:

easy_install emulaterest

or you can install the latest version from the github repository:

git clone git://github.com/abiczo/emulaterest.git
cd emulaterest
python setup.py install


  • For text/html documents the default behavior is to inject HTML style <input> elements. You can tell EmulateRest to inject XHTML style <input/> elements either by using the force_xhtml option or by serving your documents as application/xhtml+xml.
  • If you are using a gzipping middleware or any other middleware that modifies the content-encoding, make sure that EmulateRest is wrapped in that middleware and not the other way round.


A complete working example using web.py:

import web

urls = ('/', 'index')

class index:
    def GET(self):
        web.ctx['headers'].append(('Content-Type', 'text/html'))
        return """<html><head><title>PUT test</title></head><body><div>
            <form method="PUT" action="/">
                    <input type="text" name="inp" value="value">
                    <input type="submit" value="Submit">

    def PUT(self):
        return 'PUT ' + str(web.input())

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import emulaterest
    app = web.application(urls, globals())

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Last updated May 21st, 2013

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