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pypm install emencia.django.countries

How to install emencia.django.countries

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install emencia.django.countries
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
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BSD License
Lastest release
version 0.1 on May 6th, 2013

Emencia.django.countries is a Django application who contains world country list, who can be displayed with a priority order.

Usefull for forms or for models which needs a country list ordered.


You could retrieve the last sources from http://github.com/Fantomas42/emencia-django-countries and running the installation script

$> python setup.py install

or use pip

$> pip install -e git://github.com/Fantomas42/emencia-django-countries.git#egg=emencia.django.countries

In your projects

Register emencia.django.countries in your INSTALLED_APPS section your project settings.

...   # Your favorites apps
...   'emencia.django.countries',
... )

Now you can run a syncdb for installing the models into your database and the list of all country contained in a fixture.


By default when the fixture is loaded all the countries a leveled to 0, the default and displayed by alphabetical order.

>>> from emencia.django.countries.models import Country
>>> Country.objects.all()
[<Country: Afghanistan>, <Country: Albania>, <Country: Algeria>, '...(remaining elements truncated)...']

So if you don't want to display Afghanistan as the first country of your list, you have a set a high value to the level attribute for all the countries you want.

Now if you want to retrieve your country list ordered do this :

>>> france = Country.objects.get(iso='FR')
>>> france.level = 100
>>> france.save()

>>> Country.objects.all()
[<Country: France>, <Country: Afghanistan>, <Country: Albania>, '...(remaining elements truncated)...']

But if you only want a short list of countries with the level attribute set, you can do this :

>>> Country.objects.leveled()
[<Country: France>]

This will return only the countries with a level value different than 0.

Template Context Processors

Sometimes it can be usefull to have all the countries in the context for rendering templates, so a template context processor is provided.

...      # Your template context processors
...      'emencia.django.countries.context_processors.countries',
...   )

This template context processor, provides 2 variables in the context :


Template tags

But in general it's a waste of ressources to have all the countries loaded in the context, because it make a database request for each request, so template tags have been implemented.

In your templates, to get the countries list, simply do this.

{% load countries_tags %}

{% get_countries %}

It will load the countries list in the local context of the template, in a variable named COUNTRIES But if you want to change the name of this variable use this syntax.

{% get_countries as MY_COUNTRIES %}

If you only want to have the short list of countries, use this tag.

{% get_countries_leveled as MY_COUNTRIES %}

Of course the same syntax apply to this tag.


  • Initial release

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Last updated May 6th, 2013

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