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pypm install dolmen.file

How to install dolmen.file

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install dolmen.file
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Lastest release
version 0.6 on Jan 5th, 2011

dolmen.file allows you to manage and store files within the ZODB. It takes the core functionalities of zope.app.file, and simplifies them, using Grok for views and adapters registrations.


In order to make sure that our File implementation is complete and functional, we test it against the original zope.app.file tests:

>>> from dolmen.file import NamedFile, INamedFile, FileChunk

Let's test the constructor:

>>> file = NamedFile()
>>> file.contentType
>>> file.data

>>> file = NamedFile('Foobar')
>>> file.contentType
>>> file.data

>>> file = NamedFile('Foobar', 'text/plain')
>>> file.contentType
>>> file.data

>>> file = NamedFile(data='Foobar', contentType='text/plain')
>>> file.contentType
>>> file.data

Let's test the mutators:

>>> file = NamedFile()
>>> file.contentType = 'text/plain'
>>> file.contentType

>>> file.data = 'Foobar'
>>> file.data

>>> file.data = None
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Cannot set None data on a file.

Let's test large data input:

>>> file = NamedFile()

Insert as string:

>>> file.data = 'Foobar'*60000
>>> file.size
>>> file.data == 'Foobar'*60000

Insert data as FileChunk:

>>> fc = FileChunk('Foobar'*4000)
>>> file.data = fc
>>> file.size
>>> file.data == 'Foobar'*4000

Insert data from file object:

>>> import cStringIO
>>> sio = cStringIO.StringIO()
>>> sio.write('Foobar'*100000)
>>> sio.seek(0)
>>> file.data = sio
>>> file.size
>>> file.data == 'Foobar'*100000

Last, but not least, verify the interface implementation:

>>> from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass
>>> INamedFile.implementedBy(NamedFile)
>>> verifyClass(INamedFile, NamedFile)


When no name is provided, the fallback is a simple empty unicode string:

>>> file = NamedFile('Foobar')
>>> file.contentType
>>> file.data
>>> file.filename

To specifiy a filename, we can give it to the constructor:

>>> file = NamedFile('Foobar', filename='foobar.txt')
>>> file.data
>>> file.filename

The filename can be both unicode or simple string:

>>> file = NamedFile('Foobar', filename=u'foobar.txt')
>>> file.data
>>> file.filename

The filename provided had an extension : 'txt'. This extension is used by the NamedFile, while instanciated, to try and guess the mimetype of the data:

>>> file.contentType

The filename can be set later, but this won't trigger the mime
type guess::

>>> file.filename = u"something.zip"
>>> file.filename
>>> file.contentType


To represent the size of the stored data, dolmen.file uses a normalized adaptation, based on zope.size definitions:

>>> from zope.size import ISized
>>> sized = ISized(file)
>>> sized
<dolmen.file.size.Sized object at ...>
>>> sized.sizeForSorting()
('byte', 6)
>>> sized.sizeForDisplay()
u'1 KB'


In order to access our file, dolmen.file provides a view called file_publish that sets the proper headers and returns the data. Let's set up a simple environment to test that behavior:

>>> from zope.component.hooks import getSite
>>> from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
>>> from zope.publisher.browser import TestRequest

>>> root = getSite()
>>> root['myfile'] = NamedFile('Foobar', filename='foobar.txt')
>>> myfile = root['myfile']

The `file_publish` view will adapt a INamedFile and a request and,
when called, will return the data.

>>> request = TestRequest()
>>> view = getMultiAdapter((myfile, request), name='file_publish')
>>> view
<dolmen.file.access.FilePublisher object at ...>

In the update of the view, the headers are set properly, using the info of the file:

>>> view.update()
>>> for key, value in view.response.getHeaders(): print key, repr(value)
X-Powered-By 'Zope (www.zope.org), Python (www.python.org)'
Content-Length '6'
Content-Type 'text/plain'
Content-Disposition 'attachment; filename="foobar.txt"'
>>> view.render()

Field, download and security

In a site, the file object is rarely accessed directly. Often, it's just a part of a more complex object. For that matter, we have three dedicated components: the field, the property and the traverser.

Field and Property

A property is provided to allow a transparent use of a INamedFile component.

Working exemple
>>> from persistent import Persistent
>>> from dolmen.file import FileProperty, FileField
>>> from zope.interface import Interface, implements
>>> class IContent(Interface):
...     binary = FileField(title=u"Binary data")
>>> class MyContent(Persistent):
...     implements(IContent)
...     binary = FileProperty(IContent['binary'])
>>> root['mammoth'] = MyContent()
>>> manfred = root['mammoth']
>>> manfred.binary = FileChunk('Foobar')
>>> manfred.binary
<dolmen.file.file.NamedFile object at ...>
>>> manfred.binary.data
Custom factory
>>> class MyFile(NamedFile):
...     """My own file type.
...     """
>>> class CustomContent(object):
...     implements(IContent)
...     binary = FileProperty(IContent['binary'], factory=MyFile)
>>> custom = CustomContent()
>>> custom.binary = FileChunk('Foobar')
>>> custom.binary
<MyFile object at ...>
>>> class MyFalseFile(object):
...     """My own file type.
...     """
>>> class FaultyContent(object):
...     implements(IContent)
...     binary = FileProperty(IContent['binary'], factory=MyFalseFile)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Provided factory is not a valid INamedFile

There are two fields provided by dolmen.file: the FileField and the ImageField. They are just logical separation but have a common base:

>>> from dolmen.file import IImageField, IFileField, ImageField
>>> IImageField.extends(IFileField)
>>> isinstance(ImageField(), FileField)

The traverser will take care of both the fetching and the security checking, while accessing your data. The basic permission used to check the availability of the data, is zope.View.

Here, we set up two principals to test this. 'jason' is a logged in member with no rights while 'judith' has the zope.View permission granted:

>>> import zope.security.management as security
>>> from zope.traversing.interfaces import ITraversable
>>> from zope.security.testing import Principal, Participation

>>> judith = Principal('zope.judith', 'Judith')
>>> jason = Principal('zope.jason', 'Jason')

We create the interaction and try to traverse to our binary data:

>>> security.newInteraction(Participation(jason))
>>> traverser = getMultiAdapter(
...              (manfred, request), ITraversable, 'download')
>>> traverser
<dolmen.file.access.DownloadTraverser object at ...>
>>> traverser.traverse('binary')
Traceback (most recent call last):
Unauthorized: binary
>>> security.endInteraction()

It fails. An Unauthorized Error is raised. We now try with Judith:

>>> security.newInteraction(Participation(judith))
>>> traverser.traverse('binary')
<dolmen.file.access.FilePublisher object at ...>

Our data is returned, wrapped in a FilePublisher view, ready to be rendered (see the Access section, for more information).

What if we traverse to an unknown field ? Let's try:

>>> traverser.traverse('zorglub')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotFound: Object: <MyContent object at ...>, name: 'zorglub'

Everything is fine : a NotFound error has been raised. If we try to access a file that is not an INamedFile, we get another error:

>>> traverser.traverse('__name__')
Traceback (most recent call last):
LocationError: '__name__ is not a valid INamedFile'

We gracefully end our tests:

>>> security.endInteraction()

Enjoy !


0.6 (2010-11-17)
  • Tested for Grok 1.2.
  • zope.testing dependency has been removed.
  • The INamedFile factory is now pluggable, in the file property. Tests have been added to fix that behavior.
0.5.1 (2010-02-28)
  • Added an ISized adapter for INamedFile objects. Added tests accordingly.
0.5.0 (2010-02-28)
  • Updated code base to be fully pep8 compatible.
  • zope.app dependencies have been entirely dropped.
  • dolmen.file is no longer a layer above zope.app.file. It nows integrates the few features it needed from zope.app.file.
0.4.0 (2009-11-18)
  • Release compatible with ZTK 1.0dev versions. Pinned down the version of zope.traversing in the setup.py. It now runs on Python 2.6 !
0.3.2 (2009-10-23)
  • Corrected a bug on the clean_filename util function, that would fail on unicode values. Added a test to fix that behavior.
0.3.1 (2009-10-23)
  • Removed the __parent__ attribution in the property. If you relied on this, you now have to take care of the location proxying yourself.
0.3.0 (2009-10-23)
  • Changed the filename cleaning method, now exposed in the public API. We now use a compiled regexp to get the name.
0.2.0 (2009-10-21)
  • Added an image field with the corresponding interface. This was previously part of dolmen.imaging. The ImageField component is a simple subclass of the default FileField.
0.1.0 (2009-10-16)
  • Initial release

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Last updated Jan 5th, 2011

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