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djangorecipe-divio is unavailable in PyPM, because there aren't any builds for it in the package repositories. Click the linked icons to find out why.

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0.20-divio-1 Failed View build log
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0.20-divio-1 Failed View build log
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0.20-divio-1 Failed View build log
Lastest release
version 0.20-divio-1 on Jan 23rd, 2011


** this is the custom version for divio

This buildout recipe can be used to create a setup for Django. It will automatically download Django and install it in the buildout's sandbox. You can use either a release version of Django or a subversion checkout (by using trunk instead of a version number.

You can see an example of how to use the recipe below:

parts = satchmo django
eggs = ipython

recipe = gocept.download
url = http://www.satchmoproject.com/snapshots/satchmo-0.6.tar.gz
md5sum = 659a4845c1c731be5cfe29bfcc5d14b1

recipe = djangorecipe
version = trunk
settings = development
eggs = ${buildout:eggs}
extra-paths =
project = dummyshop

Supported options

The recipe supports the following options.

This option sets the name for your project. The recipe will create a basic structure if the project is not already there.
Use this instead of the project option when you want to use an egg as the project. This disables the generation of the project structure.
This option can be used to specify a specific Python version which can be a different version from the one used to run the buildout.
The version argument can accept a few different types of arguments. You can specify trunk. In this case it will do a checkout of the Django trunk. Another option is to specify a release number like 0.96.2. This will download the release tarball. Finally you can specify a full svn url (including the revision number). An example of this would be http://code.djangoproject.com/svn/django/branches/newforms-admin@7833.
You can set the name of the settings file which is to be used with this option. This is useful if you want to have a different production setup from your development setup. It defaults to development.
An optional subdirectory to place the project into. The default is to place the project into the root. If you prefer to place your sourcecode into its own 'src' directory, set src-dir = src and the project directory will be placed in src/myprojectname and 'src' will be added to the path.
Set this to a folder somewhere on you system to speed up installation. The recipe will use this folder as a cache for a downloaded version of Django.
All paths specified here will be used to extend the default Python path for the bin/* scripts.
Adds paths found from a site .pth file to the extra-paths. Useful for things like Pinax which maintains its own external_libs dir.
The name of the script created in the bin folder. This script is the equivalent of the manage.py Django normally creates. By default it uses the name of the section (the part between the [ ]).
An extra script is generated in the bin folder when this is set to true. This can be used with mod_wsgi to deploy the project. The name of the script is control-script.wsgi.
In case the WSGI server you're using does not allow printing to stdout, you can set this variable to a filesystem path - all stdout/stderr data is redirected to the log instead of printed
Like wsgi this creates an extra script within the bin folder. This script can be used with an FCGI deployment.
If you want a script in the bin folder to run all the tests for a specific set of apps this is the option you would use. Set this to the list of app labels which you want to be tested.
This is the name of the testrunner which will be created. It defaults to test.

All following options only have effect when the project specified by the project option has not been created already.

You can set this to a specific url conf. It will use project.urls by default.
The secret to use for the settings.py, it generates a random string by default.

FCGI specific settings

Options for FCGI can be set within a settings file (settings.py). The options is FCGI_OPTIONS. It should be set to a dictionary. The part below is an example:

    'method': 'threaded',

Another example

The next example shows you how to use some more of the options:

parts = django extras
eggs =

recipe = iw.recipe.subversion
urls =
  http://django-command-extensions.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ django-command-extensions
  http://django-mptt.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ django-mptt

recipe = djangorecipe
version = trunk
settings = development
project = exampleproject
wsgi = true
eggs =
test =

Example using .pth files

Pinax uses a .pth file to add a bunch of libraries to its path; we can specify it's directory to get the libraries it specified added to our path:

parts = PIL

recipe        = zc.recipe.egg:custom
egg           = PIL
find-links    = http://dist.repoze.org/

recipe        = iw.recipe.subversion
urls          = http://svn.pinaxproject.com/pinax/tags/0.5.1rc1       pinax

recipe        = djangorecipe
version       = 1.0.2
eggs          = PIL
project       = myproject
settings      = settings
extra-paths   = ${buildout:directory}/myproject/apps
pth-files     = ${svncode:location}/pinax/libs/external_libs
wsgi          = true

Above, we use stock Pinax for pth-files and extra-paths paths for apps, and our own project for the path that will be found first in the list. Note that we expect our project to be checked out (e.g., by svn:external) directly under this directory in to 'myproject'.

Example with a different Python version

To use a different Python version from the one that ran buildout in the generated script use something like:

parts = myproject

executable = /some/special/python

recipe        = djangorecipe
version       = 1.0.2
project       = myproject
python        = special-python

Example configuration for mod_wsgi

If you want to deploy a project using mod_wsgi you could use this example as a starting point:

<Directory /path/to/buildout>
       Order deny,allow
       Allow from all
       ServerName      my.rocking.server
       CustomLog       /var/log/apache2/my.rocking.server/access.log combined
       ErrorLog        /var/log/apache2/my.rocking.server/error.log
       WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/buildout/bin/django.wsgi


  • The recipe know makes the django package know to setuptools during install. This closes #397864. Thanks to Daniel Bruce and Dan Fairs for the patch.
  • Fixed #451065 which fixes a problem with the WSGI log file option.
  • Added the posibilty to configure more FCGI related settings. Thanks to Vasily Sulatskov for the patch.
  • The generated WSGI & FCGI scripts are now properly removed when options change (fixes #328182). Thanks to Horst Gutmann for the patch.
  • Scripts are now updated when dependencies change. This fixes #44658, thanks to Paul Carduner for the patch.
  • Applied fix for the change in WSGI script generation. The previous release did not work properly.
  • When running again with non-newest set the recipe will no longer update the Subversion checkout. Thanks to vinilios for the patch.
  • The WSGI and FCGI scripts are now generated using Buildout's own system. This makes them more similar to the generated manage script with regard to the setup of paths. Thanks to Jannis Leidel for the patch.
  • Paths from eggs and extra-paths now get precedence over the default system path (fixes #370420). Thanks to Horst Gutmann for the patch.
  • The generated WSGI script now uses the python option if present. This fixes #361695.
  • Fixed a problem when not running in verbose mode (fixes #375151).
  • Removed dependency on setuptools_bzr since it does not seem to work like I expected.
  • Changed the download code to use urllib2. This should make it work from behind proxies (fixes #362822). Thanks to pauld for the patch.
  • Fixed a problem with the new WSGI logging option #348797. Thanks to Bertrand Mathieu for the patch.
  • Disable generation of the WSGI log if "wsgilog" isn't set, thanks to Jacob Kaplan-Moss for the patch.
  • Updated buildout.cfg and .bzrignore, thanks Jacob Kaplan-Moss.
  • Added an option to specify a log file for output redirection from the WSGI script. Thanks to Guido Wesdorp for the patch.
  • Subversion aliases are now supported (something like svn+mystuff://myjunk). Thanks to Remco for the patch.
  • Update to move pth-files finder from the __init__ method to the install method so it runs in buildout-order, else it looks for pth files in dirs that may not yet exist. Thanks to Chris Shenton for the update to his original patch.
  • Update to make the previously added pth-files option better documented.
  • Added "pth-files" option to add libraries to extra-paths from site .pth files. Thanks to Chris Shenton for the patch.
  • The recipe now supports creating a FCGI script. Thanks to Jannis Leidel for the patch.
  • When downloading a Django recipe for the first time the recipe now properly reports the url it is downloading from.
  • Specifying a user name within a subversion url now works. The code that determined the revision has been updated. This fixes issue #274004. Thanks to Remco for the patch.
  • Updated the template for creating new projects. It now uses the current admin system when generating it's urls.py file. This fixes issue #276255. Thanks to Roland for the patch.
  • Re-upload since CHANGES.txt was missing from the release
  • The recipe no longer executes subversion to determine whether the versions is to be downloaded using subversion. This fixes issue #271145. Thanks to Kapil Thangavelu for the patch.
  • Changed the pythonpath option to extra-paths. This makes the recipe more consistent with other recipes (see issue #270908).
  • Another go at fixing the updating problem (#250811) by making sure the update method is always called. It would not be called in the previous version since the recipe wrote a random secret (if it wasn't specified) to the options for use with a template. Buildout saw this as a change in options and therefore always decided to un-install & install.
  • When both projectegg and wsgi=True are specified, the generated wsgi file did not have the correct settings file in it. This has been fixed with a patch from Dan Fairs.
  • The recipe now has logging. All print statements have been replaced and a few extra logging calls have been added. This makes the recipe more informative about long running tasks. Thanks erny for the patch from issue #260628.
  • The recipe no longer expects the top level directory name in a release tarball to be consistent with the version number. This fixes issue #260097. Thanks to erny for reporting this issue and suggesting a solution.
  • Revision pinns for the svn checkout now stay pinned when re-running the buildout. This fixes issue #250811. Thanks to Remco for reporting this.
  • Added an option to specify an egg to use as the project. This disables the code which creates the basic project structure. Thanks to Dan Fairs for the patch from issue #252647.
  • Fixed the previous release which was broken due to a missing manifest file
  • The settings option is fixed so that it supports arbitrary depth settings paths (example; conf.customer.development).
  • The version argument now excepts a full svn url as well. You can use this to get a branch or fix any url to a specific revision with the standard svn @ syntax
  • The wsgi script is no longer made executable and readable only by the user who ran buildout. This avoids problems with deployment.

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Last updated Jan 23rd, 2011

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