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pypm install django-passwords

How to install django-passwords

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install django-passwords
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
Windows (32-bit)
0.2.0 Available View build log
Windows (64-bit)
0.2.0 Available View build log
Mac OS X (10.5+)
0.2.0 Available View build log
Linux (32-bit)
0.2.0 Available View build log
Linux (64-bit)
0.2.0 Available View build log
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Lastest release
version 0.2.0 on Jun 10th, 2011

django-passwords is a reusable app that provides a form field and validators that check the strength of a password.


You can install django-passwords with pip by typing:

pip install django-passwords

Or with easy_install by typing:

easy_install django-passwords

Or manually by downloading a tarball and typing:

python setup.py install


django-passwords adds 6 optional settings


Specifies minimum length for passwords:

PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH = 6 # Defaults to 6

Specifies maximum length for passwords:

PASSWORD_MAX_LENGTH = 120 # Defaults to None

Specifies the location of a dictionary (file with one word per line):

PASSWORD_DICTIONARY = "/usr/share/dict/words" # Defaults to None

Specifies how close a fuzzy match has to be to be considered a match:

PASSWORD_MATCH_THRESHOLD = 0.9 # Defaults to 0.9, should be 0.0 - 1.0 where 1.0 means exactly the same.

Specifies a list of common sequences to attempt to match a password against:

PASSWORD_COMMON_SEQUENCES = [] # Should be a list of strings, see passwords/validators.py for default

Specifies number of characters within various sets that a password must contain:

PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY = { # You can ommit any or all of these for no limit for that particular set
    "UPPER": 1,       # Uppercase
    "LOWER": 1,       # Lowercase
    "DIGITS": 1,      # Digits
    "PUNCTUATION": 1, # Punctuation (string.punctuation)
    "NON ASCII": 1,   # Non Ascii (ord() >= 128)
    "WORDS": 1        # Words (substrings seperates by a whitespace)


To use the formfield simply import it and use it:

from django import forms
from passwords.fields import PasswordField

class ExampleForm(forms.Form):
    password = PasswordField(label="Password")

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Last updated Jun 10th, 2011

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