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pypm install django-cherrydev

How to install django-cherrydev

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install django-cherrydev
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
Windows (32-bit)
0.1 Available View build log
Windows (64-bit)
0.1 Available View build log
Mac OS X (10.5+)
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Linux (32-bit)
0.1 Available View build log
Linux (64-bit)
0.1 Available View build log
Lastest release
version 0.1 on Jan 5th, 2011


This utility is a substitute for Django's runserver command. It was inspired by Gunicorn's gunicorn_django command which makes it so easy to serve Django projects without having to create extra WSGI scripts.

I chose to use CherryPy as it is pure Python (thus cross-platform) and quite efficient in its own right. It also had the functionality I desired to be able to serve static media without fuss while developing Django applications.

To be clear, this utility will automatically serve your static media (as well as admin media) without needing to modify your settings.py or maintain a development version of your settings.

To do this, it modifies your settings.MEDIA_URL and settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX on the fly before loading Django, which is also the reason that it is not provided as a custom management command.

Requirements and Installation

In its present incarnation, this utility requires Python 2.7 and CherryPy 3.1 or above. Also, it is assumed you have Django installed.

Installation is as simple as pip install django-cherrydev. This will also install CherryPy if it isn't already available.


You can install the latest development version from the hg repository with pip install -e hg+http://code.db-init.com/django-cherrydev or from a tarball with pip install django-cherrydev==dev.


Django-CherryDev provides a single script, cherrydev, which uses CherryPy to serve your Django project and media files. To use it, simply CD into your Django project directory and run cherrydev:

$ cd myproject
$ cherrydev
usage: cherrydev [-h] [--noreload] [-b ADDRESS] [--nomedia] [-m MEDIA_ADDR]
[--noadmin] [-a ADMIN_ADDR] [-l LINK_DIR] [SETTINGS_PATH]
positional arguments:
SETTINGS_PATH By default SETTINGS_PATH will look for settings.py in
the current directory.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--noreload Tells CherryPy to NOT use the auto-reloader.
 The socket to bind. A string of the form: 'HOST', 'HOST:PORT'. An IP is a valid HOST. (default: '')

By default, CherryPy will be used to serve your media. If your MEDIA_URL includes a host component, it will be changed to an alternate port on localhost. If your ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX includes a host component that does not match that of MEDIA_URL, it will also be changed to its own alternate port.

--nomedia Tells CherryPy to NOT host media.
 The socket to bind media. A string of the form: 'HOST', 'HOST:PORT'. An IP is a valid HOST. (default: '')
--noadmin Tells CherryPy to NOT host admin media.
 The socket to bind admin. A string of the form: 'HOST', 'HOST:PORT'. An IP is a valid HOST. (default: '')
-l LINK_DIR, --link LINK_DIR
 An additional directory to be linked to MEDIA_URL. May be used multiple times. A string of the form: 'PATH=DIRECTORY'. (e.g. 'app=../myapp/media')

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Last updated Jan 5th, 2011

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