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pypm install collective.recipe.logger

How to install collective.recipe.logger

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install collective.recipe.logger
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
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Windows (64-bit)
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Linux (64-bit)
0.1.0b1 Available View build log
Lastest release
version 0.1.0b1 on Jan 9th, 2014

This recipe creates the program daemon (logger) which is listening to the socket.
It generates logs in an appropriate format (JSON, CSV, PICKLE).

Example usage
The simplest way to use this recipe is to add it to your ``buildout.cfg`` like this::

    parts = logger

    recipe = collective.recipe.backup

Go to ``collective/recipe/logger/README.rst`` to see more details.


- Code repository: https://github.com/potar/collective.recipe.logger

- The code comes with a ``buildout.cfg``.  Please bootstrap the
  buildout and run the created ``bin/test`` to see if the tests still
  pass.  Please add tests if you add code.

- Questions and comments send to the Plone product-developers list or to
  potar: poburynnyitaras@gmail.com

Supported options
The recipe supports the following options (none of which are needed by default):

    It's a host ip. Default value: localhost

    It's an application (daemon) port.
    Default value: 8090 (DEFAULT_TCP_LOGGING_PORT)

    It's a circular buffer size.
    Default value: 100. It means that you can store 100 records into storage.

    It's file mode bits which is intended to the file storage.
    Default value: 0644

    It's a storage type.
    Options: 'csv', 'json', 'pickle'.
    Default value: 'json'

    It sets up additional products. They help serialize objects.
    For example, your object will not be a standard python collection so you need an appropriate class for this object.
    If you use Plone I recommend you set up ``eggs = ${instance:eggs}``


* A storage filename is generated by id_generator (``src/collective/recipe/logger/utils.py``).

Detailed Documentation

Example usage

Some needed imports::

    >>> import re
    >>> import os
    >>> import time
    >>> from multiprocessing.connection import Client

We'll start by creating a simple ``buildout.cfg`` that uses the recipe::

    >>> write('buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... parts = logger
    ... # For some reason this is now needed:
    ... index = http://b.pypi.python.org/simple
    ... newest = false
    ... [logger]
    ... recipe = collective.recipe.logger
    ... """)

Running the buildout gives us::

    >>> print system(buildout)
    Getting distribution for 'zc.recipe.egg'.
    Got zc.recipe.egg 1.3.2.
    Installing logger.
    Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/logger'.

Let's test the daemon::

    >>> print system('bin/logger start')

    >>> status_info = system('bin/logger status')
    >>> bool(re.match('Daemon \(pid=\d+\) is already running', status_info))

    >>> print system('bin/logger stop')

Set up more complex example::

    >>> write('buildout.cfg',
    ... """
    ... [buildout]
    ... parts = logger
    ... # For some reason this is now needed:
    ... index = http://b.pypi.python.org/simple
    ... newest = false
    ... [logger]
    ... recipe = collective.recipe.logger
    ... ip =
    ... port = 8091
    ... maxlen = 10
    ... format = json
    ... """)

Running the buildout gives us::

    >>> print system(buildout)
    Uninstalling logger.
    Installing logger.
    Generated script '/sample-buildout/bin/logger'.

Let's run the daemon::

    >>> print system('bin/logger start')

Send some data to the logger::

    >>> conn = Client(('localhost', 8091))
    >>> conn.send("storage1")

Store file ('test') into the folder ('storage') and open a new storage::

    >>> conn.send(None)

Send one more portion of data::

    >>> conn.send("storage2")

Check whether the file ('test') was stored::

    # wait for creating file
    >>> time.sleep(1)
    >>> len(os.listdir(join(sample_buildout, 'parts/logger/storage'))) == 1

Stop daemon::

    >>> print system('bin/logger stop')


Taras Poburynnyi (potar), Author

Change history



* Initial release


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Last updated Jan 9th, 2014

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