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pypm install collective.listingviews

How to install collective.listingviews

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install collective.listingviews
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
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1.0beta2 Available View build log
Lastest release
version 1.0beta2 on Jan 9th, 2014



collective.listingviews allows a Plone site administrator to create new views through the web. They can use this to:

  • create custom views of folders or collections that include metadata and content from contained or matching items;
  • create custom listing portlets with additional information such as lead images, publication dates or authors;
  • create listing views with subqueries or python via TAL expressions;
  • create additional views of content items, showing other aspects of the content;
  • create portlets to display information about the current item such as last updated date;
  • use an ItemView type portlet to display a whole item in a portlet;
  • create carousel portlets which pull content or images from collections or folders and apply javascript to them.

Listing Views are designed to be simple to create quickly on a Plone site and avoid the complexity of creating custom page templates or overridden views for many common cases.

View definitions are created inside the Plone Site setup for particular content types. Content editors can apply the views to content items via the Display Menu in a Listing View Portlet (and in the future in a Content Listing Tile).

The HTML markup used by the view is simple and designed to be easily adapted to your needs using CSS or Diazo. Each view consists of:

  • a definition list of fields of the content item;
  • a list of definition lists of fields for each the items in the folder, or collection items;
  • unique CSS classes for the lists and each field type.

By default Fields that can make up a ListingView are :

  • Any Metadata fields stored in the catalog (e.g. Title, Effective Date)
  • Some Metadata fields with formatting applied (e.g. Title (Link), Effective Date (Date & Time))
  • Any custom TAL expressions

Worked Examples

Creating a custom field

Let's say have a design that demands that has a folder displaying the publication date for each item.

Most of this can be achieved using diazo and css however the publication date isn't in any of Plone's default listing views. Previously you would have to dig into Plone's code base, find it's folder template implementation and then use jbot or ZCML template overrides to customise the folder listing template. Not only will you need to learn about TAL, python, packaging and deployment but the end result will make your site harder to upgrade. Any future enhancements in Plone's folder template will have to be merged back into your patched overriden template.

Instead here is how you do it using a ListingView.

First we need to create a custom field using TAL since we want a custom date format rather than Plones default

Go to Site Setup > Listing Custom Fields > Add

>>> browser = layer['manager']
>>> browser.getLink('Site Setup').click()
>>> browser.getLink('Listing Custom Fields').click()
>>> browser.getControl('Add').click()

The Id is unique and is also used as a CSS class in the final html

>>> browser.getControl('Id').value = "pubdate"

The Title is what the editor picks from the Display Menu or in the ListingView Portlet

>>> browser.getControl('Title').value = "Local Publication Date"

Finally the TAL Expression that is evaluated when showing the field. item is the catalog brain. object or here is the context object.

>>> browser.getControl('TAL expression').value = \
...   "python:item.effective.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') if item.EffectiveDate != 'None' else '' "
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()
Creating a listing view

Now that we've created our custom field we can add a new Listing View via Site Setup > Listing View > Add

>>> browser.getLink('Listing View').click()
>>> browser.getControl('Add').click()

Name it "News with publication".

>>> browser.getControl('Id').value = "pubnews"
>>> browser.getControl('Title', index=0).value = "News with publication"

There are two kinds of information a listing view display. Information about the context object called Item Fields and information about the contents or matched items called Listing Fields.

These fields come from either standard metadata or the custom fields we add.

>>> print '\n'.join( browser.getControl('Title', index=1).control.displayOptions )
Creation Date (Date)
Creation Date (Date & Time)
Effective Date (Date)
Effective Date (Date & Time)
End Date (Date)
End Date (Date & Time)
Expiration Date (Date)
Expiration Date (Date & Time)
Short Name
Short Name (Link)
Modification Date (Date)
Modification Date (Date & Time)
Start Date (Date)
Start Date (Date & Time)
Title (Link)
Total number of comments
Item Type
Local Publication Date (Custom)

We want to show the Title of the context object

>>> layer.setInAndOut(browser, ['Title'], index=1)

and Title, Location, Effective Date and Local Publication Date for each of the content items

>>> layer.setInAndOut(browser, ['Title', 'Title (Link)', 'Effective Date (Date)', 'Local Publication Date (Custom)'], index=3)

By default the view will be enabled for standard content types. These are

>>> print '\n'.join( browser.getControl('Page').control.displayOptions )
Collection (old-style)
News Item

We'll enable it for everything

>>> layer.setInAndOut(browser, browser.getControl('Page').control.displayOptions, index=0 )
>>> browser.getControl('Add').click()

We can manage our existing listing views including a link to edit the view we just created.

>>> browser.getLink('pubnews')
<Link text='pubnews' url='http://nohost/plone/listingviews_controlpanel/pubnews'>
Using a listing view on a folder

We have a folder with some pages in it

>>> browser.getLink('folder1').click()
>>> browser.getLink('item1').click()

Select Display > 'News with publication'. This will change the folder view to our new view we created.

>>> browser.getLink('folder1').click()
>>> browser.getLink('News with publication').click()
>>> browser.contents
'...View changed...'

You will now have a listing that contains all the information you need. We have a definition for the fields of the folder (the context item)

>>> print browser.contents
      <div class="listing-item-fields">
        <dl class="pubnews-item item-fields">
              <dt class="listing-field field-Title">Title</dt>
              <dd class="listing-field field-Title">folder1</dd>

There is an unordered list of definition lists for every item contained in the folder.

>>> print browser.contents
      <ul class="pubnews-listing listing-items-view">
          <li class="listing-item">
              <dl class="listing-fields">

The title of item1

>>> print browser.contents
<dt class="listing-field field-Title">Title</dt>
<dd class="listing-field field-Title">item1</dd>

A title made into a link to item1

>>> print browser.contents
<dt class="listing-field field-Title-tolink">Title</dt>
<dd class="listing-field field-Title-tolink"><a href="http://nohost/plone/folder1/item1">item1</a></dd>

How the default effective date field looks

>>> print browser.contents
<dt class="listing-field field-EffectiveDate-localshort">Effective Date</dt>
<dd class="listing-field field-EffectiveDate-localshort">..., ...</dd>

and finally our custom version of the effective date

>>> print browser.contents
<dt class="listing-field pubdate">Local Publication Date</dt>
<dd class="listing-field pubdate">.../.../...</dd>

The styling of this view is very basic. With Diazo we can turn this into a much nicer looking view by matching against the CSS class pubnews-listing:

<replace css:content="ul.pubnews-listing">
    <xsl:for-each select="./li[contains(@class, 'listing-item')]">
        <div class="span8">
            <div class="headline">
                <xsl:element name="a">
                    <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="./dl/dd[contains(@class, 'field-location')]"/></xsl:attribute>
                    <xsl:value-of select="./dl/dd[contains(@class, 'field-Title')]"/>
            <div id="publishedDets1" class="publishDate">Published <xsl:value-of select="./dl/dd[contains(@class, 'custom-date')]"/></div>
            <div class="description"><xsl:value-of select="./dl/dd[contains(@class, 'field-Description')]"/></div>
            <div class="newsLink">
                <xsl:element name="a">
                    <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="./dl/dd[contains(@class, 'field-location')]"/></xsl:attribute>
                    <xsl:text>Read Full Article</xsl:text>
Adding publication date to a Page using a portlet

We can use the same custom publication date field when viewing Page items.

We'll create a new Listing View

>>> browser.getLink('Site Setup').click()
>>> browser.getLink('Listing View').click()
>>> browser.getControl('Add').click()

called Publication Info, .

>>> browser.getControl('Id').value = "pubnewsitem"
>>> browser.getControl('Title', index=0).value = "Publication Info"

add Local Publication Date to the 'item' fields, rather than the listing fields.

>>> layer.setInAndOut(browser, ['Local Publication Date (Custom)'], index=0)

Finally we only want this to be applied to a Page content type

>>> layer.setInAndOut(browser, ['Page'])
>>> browser.getControl('Add').click()

Go to your folder where all the pages are located

>>> browser.getLink('Home').click()
>>> browser.getLink('folder1').click()

and Add a Listing Portlet portlet to the left side using Manage porlets. (Alternatively you can go to Site Setup > Types > News Item > Manage Portlets assigned to this content type).

>>> browser.getLink('Manage portlets').click()
>>> browser.getControl('ListingView Portlet', index=1).click()
>>> layer.getFormFromControl(browser.getControl('ListingView Portlet', index=1)).submit()

Enter Publication Info as the Portlet header.

>>> browser.getControl('Portlet header').value = 'Publication Info'

Select Publication Info as the Listing views.

>>> browser.getControl('Publication Info').click()

Leave Target target blank as you want portlet to show information of the current item. Click Save.

>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()

Now whenever you view a news item you will get a portlet on the left hand side

>>> browser.getLink('folder1').click()

Because we restricted which types the view can be applied to we won't see the portlet on the folder

>>> 'portlet-listing-news-item-info' in browser.contents

and not because there is an error

>>> 'There was an error while rendering the portlet' in browser.contents

We also aren't able to select that view from the display menu because this is a folder not a Page

>>> browser.getLink('Publication Info')
Traceback (most recent call last):

However on the item we can see a listing portlet

>>> browser.getLink('item1').click()
>>> print browser.contents
    <dl class="portlet portletListing portlet-listing-publication-info">

We can see a portlet with the heading Publication Info

>>> print browser.contents
    <dt class="portletHeader">
        <span class="portletTopLeft"></span>
           Publication Info
        <span class="portletTopRight"></span>

Our portlet shows data about the context item (in this case item1)

>>> print browser.contents
  <div class="listing-item-fields-portlet">
      <dl class="pubnewsitem-item item-fields">
                  <dt class="listing-field pubdate">Local Publication Date</dt>
                  <dd class="listing-field pubdate">.../.../...</dd>

and because item1 has no contents we have an empty list

>>> print browser.contents
    <ul class="pubnewsitem-listing listing-items-view">

Using the diazo mockup and rules.xml to change the final design we can move the publication date below the title and remove the portlet completely:

<drop content-children="//dl[contains(@class, 'portlet-listing-news-item')]" />
<replace css:content="#parent-fieldname-title" if-content="//dl[contains(@class, 'portlet-listing-news-item')]" >
    <xsl:copy-of select="." />
    <div id="publishedDets" class="publishDate">Published <xsl:value-of select="//dl[contains(@class, 'portlet-listing-news-item')]//dd[contains(@class, 'custom-date')]"/></div>

We are also able to select this as a view for the item main content as well

>>> browser.getLink('Publication Info')
<Link text='Publication Info' url='...'>

It's also possible to fix a portlet to show information on particular item instead of the current content context. Edit the portlet and search for item1 in the Target Field.

>>> browser.getLink('Manage portlets').click()
>>> browser.getLink('Publication Info').click()
>>> browser.getControl('Save').mech_form.new_control('text','form.root', {'value':'/folder1/item1'})
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()

#TODO show what happens if we pick an item of invalid type

We will now see the portlet at the folder level

>>> browser.getLink('folder1').click()
>>> print browser.contents
  <div class="listing-item-fields-portlet">
      <dl class="pubnewsitem-item item-fields">
          <dt class="listing-field pubdate">Local Publication Date</dt>
          <dd class="listing-field pubdate">.../.../...</dd>
Listing Views for collections

We have create a collection in our folder1 called collection1

>>> browser.getLink('folder1').click()
>>> browser.getLink('collection1').click()
>>> browser.getLink('item1')
<Link text='item1' url='http://nohost/plone/folder1/item1'>

Switch to our publication view

Select Display > 'News with publication'.

>>> browser.getLink('collection1').click()
>>> browser.getLink('News with publication').click()
>>> browser.contents
'...View changed...'

And we'll still see item1

>>> browser.getLink('item1')
<Link text='item1' url='http://nohost/plone/folder1/item1'>

and our custom field

>>> print browser.contents
<dt class="listing-field pubdate">Local Publication Date</dt>
<dd class="listing-field pubdate">.../.../...</dd>
Collection Portlets

We can also create a portlet on the home page listing the contents of this collection

On the home page we have no link to item1

>>> browser.getLink('Home').click()
>>> browser.getLink('item1')
Traceback (most recent call last):

We'll create a portlet to give us links

>>> browser.getLink('Manage portlets').click()
>>> browser.getControl('ListingView Portlet', index=1).click()
>>> layer.getFormFromControl(browser.getControl('ListingView Portlet', index=1)).submit()

Give the portlet a header.

>>> browser.getControl('Portlet header').value = 'Collection Portlet'

We have a choice of Listing Views to pick from

>>> browser.getControl('Listing views').displayOptions
['(nothing selected)', 'News with publication', 'Publication Info']

Select News with publication as the Listing views.

>>> browser.getControl('News with publication').click()

We'll make it display collection1

>>> browser.getControl('Save').mech_form.new_control('text','form.root', {'value':'/folder1/collection1'})
>>> browser.getControl('Save').click()

New when we view home we see the items inside folder1 based on criteria in collection1

>>> browser.getLink('Home').click()
>>> browser.getLink('item1')
<Link text='item1' url='http://nohost/plone/folder1/item1'>
Example: News listing in table view

Let's say have a design that demands that has a news folder that displays the publication date for each news item in table form.

We just copy our listing view and give it a new class. Add the following to your diazo rules.xml to turn the plain view into a table:

<replace css:content="ul.listing-items-view">
            <th><xsl:value-of select="./li[contains(@class, 'listing-item')][1]/dl/dt[contains(@class, 'field-Title')]"/></th>
            <th><xsl:value-of select="./li[contains(@class, 'listing-item')][1]/dl/dt[contains(@class, 'custom-date')]"/></th>
            <th><xsl:value-of select="./li[contains(@class, 'listing-item')][1]/dl/dt[contains(@class, 'field-Description')]"/></th>
        <xsl:for-each select="./li[contains(@class, 'listing-item')]">
                    <xsl:element name="a">
                        <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="./dl/dd[contains(@class, 'field-location')]"/></xsl:attribute>
                        <xsl:value-of select="./dl/dd[contains(@class, 'field-Title')]"/>
                    <p id="publishedDets1" class="publishDate">Published <xsl:value-of select="./dl/dd[contains(@class, 'custom-date')]"/></p>
                    <p class="description"><xsl:value-of select="./dl/dd[contains(@class, 'field-Description')]"/></p>


collective.listingviews is an initial attempt to create a Plone plugin that is flexible yet simple to understand. To make it even more useful we need feedback and pull requests to enable it to replace custom Page Templates in more cases, while keeping it easy to understand.

Development is at http://github.com/collective/collective.listingviews

Initial development was funded by PretaWeb.

We have some ideas on where this could go:

  • Safe HTML filtering for all fields. Currently not implemented.
  • Support plone.app.contentlistingtile for Deco or collective.cover. contentlistingtile allows custom views to be selected so this should be simple.
  • Support plone.app.collection. Currently only old-style collections are supported.
  • Preview view as ZPT. This provides a way to learn ZPT and a base to start from when more complex views are needed.
  • Debug custom fields. Allow selection of content to test fields quickly.
  • Migration of views. Provide a way to make bulk changes in content from one listingview to another listingview. This would allow a new "template" to be created and tested and then switched in production.
  • Support customisation of batching settings.
  • Allow GET requests so that the list can act as a custom search listing page.
  • Support grouping.
  • Support hierarchical listing. Allow navigation portlets, sitemaps with additional fields. Maybe different kind of views? Maybe allow views to be used as fields within other views?
  • Support AJAX batching and infinite lists (auto-load next when scrolled down).
  • Reuse TAL on different fields. The TAL becomes a formatter function instead of a field; e.g. convert date or turn Title into link. Functions let you select with fields they apply to, or apply to whole item (i.e. custom field).
  • Pre-calculate custom fields, i.e. add them to catalog metadata.


1.0beta2 (2013-01-31)
  • fixed bug where can set dynamic view for 'Discussion Item' [Dylan Jay]
1.0beta1 (2013-01-30)
  • Renamed TAL attributes. object->item (catalog metadata), context->object [Dylan Jay]
  • Functional tests [Dylan Jay]
  • Use CRUD z3cform framework and autoform so make easier to use and easier to replace widgets [Dylan Jay]
  • Make "Restricted to types" work [Dylan Jay]
  • Add date and link filters [Dylan Jay]
  • Views appear in display menu directly [Dylan Jay]
1.0alpha1 (unreleased)
  • Refactor to support eea.facetednavigation [Dylan Jay]
  • Precompile TAL expressions before loop [Dylan Jay]
  • Initial version [Ivan Teoh]
  • Package created using templer [Ivan Teoh]

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Last updated Jan 9th, 2014

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