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pypm install booki

How to install booki

  1. Download and install ActivePython
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Type pypm install booki
 Python 2.7Python 3.2Python 3.3
Windows (32-bit)
0.3 Available View build log
Windows (64-bit)
0.3 Available View build log
Mac OS X (10.5+)
0.3 Available View build log
Linux (32-bit)
0.3 Available View build log
Linux (64-bit)
0.3 Available View build log
Lastest release
version 0.3 on Jan 5th, 2011

FLOSS Manuals Booki

A booki is like a wiki, but instead of ending up with a web page you get a book. Booki is built on top of the Django web framework.


You can install Booki from PyPi via "easy_install booki" or from Git - a code versioning respository.

This assumes a Debian GNU/Linux server. If you have installed Booki via easy_install got to step 2, otherwise start at step 0 to use Git


0/ Obtain latest code from Git:

$ git clone git://booki-dev.flossmanuals.net/git/booki.git

You may need to switch to different branch in Git, like so $ git checkout -t origin/sputnik

1/ Install Django - version 1.1.1, and SimpleJSON:

$ easy_install django
$ easy_install simplejson

2/ Install the Redis Server - http://code.google.com/p/redis/

$ apt-get install redis

3/ Customise settings.py

$ cd $BOOKI_INSTALL_PATH/lib/booki
$ vi settings.py

Pay attention to the database settings, eg db name, db username, db password, timezone

4/ Configure the database:

$ cd $BOOKI_INSTALL_PATH/lib/booki
$ ./manage.py syncdb

5/ Start the test server via the console:

$ cd $BOOKI_INSTALL_PATH/lib/booki
$ ./manage.py runserver

Validating models... 0 errors found

Django version 1.1.1, using settings 'booki.settings' Development server is running at Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

If you need to bind to a external IP and/or different port you can start the server like:

$ ./manage.py runserver

6/ Connect using the webserver to this URL , et viola, you have the Booki web interface.

7/ If you want to host the django app via Apache2, see the booki-apache-virthost file.

Contents of the Booki package

lib/ python modules, django application

tools/ scripts for importing books from other formats, CMSs

tests/ testing scripts

site_media/ static web resources - JS, CSS, Xinha, images

Change history
0.3 (2010-03-15)
  • Release 0.3 during code sprint in Pukerua Bay, NZ [Andy Nicholson]
0.2 (2010-03-14)
  • Release 0.2 during code sprint in Pukerua Bay, NZ [Andy Nicholson]
0.1 (2010-03-12)
  • Initial Release for 0.1 test release to pypi [Andy Nicholson]

Aleksandar Erkalovic Douglas Bagnall Adam Hyde Laleh Torabi Patrick Davison Andy Nicholson

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Last updated Jan 5th, 2011

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