How to install ActivityTracker
- Download and install ActivePython
- Open Command Prompt
- Type
pypm install activitytracker
Lastest release
A tool for querying various sources to see what time was worked on specific tasks. Contains various plugins for Tomboy notes and text files.
The basic workflow with ActivityTracker is to define a "group" of files that contain time-based task intervals in some format. At the moment, ActivityTracker comes with three different parsers:
- Emacs OrgMode files
- Tomboy notes
- Plain text files
Setting Up
- Create a new directory, /home/myhomedir/.activitytracker
- Setup a new file, /home/myhomedir/.activitytracker/config.ini
- Add group entries to config.ini
An entry for a group of OrgMode files looks like this:
[File Group: Emacs OrgMode Files] base_dir = /somedir/org-files filename_match = [-_a-zA-Z0-9]*[.]org$ parser_name = activitytracker.plugins.orgmode.EmacsOrgModeParser
Please see the OrgMode home page for specifics on the OrgMode format. ActivityTracker's OrgMode parser has two requirements:
- Headings meant to be recorded/queried should have the book tag
- The second line after a heading with book tag should have a timestamp indicating the length of time worked
Here is an example entry:
** ActivityTracker :book: <2011-04-16 Sat 10:00-14:00> Working on orgmode support
An entry for a group of Tomboy notes on a recent Gnome configuration would look like this:
[File Group: Tomboy Notes] base_dir = /home/myhomedir/.local/share/tomboy filename_match = [a-zA-Z-0-9]*?[.]note parser_name = activitytracker.plugins.tomboy.TomboyFileParser
Plain Text Files
An entry for a group of plain text files would look like this:
[File Group: Legacy Journal Files] base_dir = /home/myhomedir/Documents/journal filename_match = month-[a-zA-Z]+-[0-9]+[.]txt$ parser_name = activitytracker.plugins.text.TextFileParser
Writing Plugins
The ActivityTracker plugin mechanism expects a callable to be named as the parser_name value in a file entry group.
While checking files, the callable will be invoked (with no arguments). The callable must return an object with a parse_input function. The parse_input function will be invoked for every file matching the criteria.
After parse_input is invoked at least once, the object must ensure it has a projects attribute as an iterable of Project instances.
- Created and maintained by Rocky Burt <rocky AT serverzen DOT com>.
1.0 (Dec-18-2012)
- setup pypi and bitbucket pages
0.5 (unreleased)
- first release