PPM is being replaced with the ActiveState Platform, which enhances PPM’s build and deploy capabilities.
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This PPM has limited support for ActivePerl 5.26 and previous versions
enables you to search for build information and availability of
Perl packages (Perl modules) in ActiveState's PPM build repositories
for our
ActivePerl distributions.
ActiveState's Perl Package Manager (PPM) provides quick installation of
thousands of packages for many Perl versions and platforms for
ActivePerl distributions.
About PPM Index »
PPM Packages Available by Platform & Version
Perl 5.18 |
Perl 5.20 |
Perl 5.22 |
Perl 5.24 |
Windows (32-bit) |
20139 |
20994 |
16768 |
7217 |
Windows (64-bit) |
20452 |
21597 |
16662 |
7456 |
Mac OS X |
22915 |
24816 |
20767 |
5417 |
Linux (x86, 32-bit) |
21819 |
Linux (x86, 64-bit) |
22782 |
23626 |
20423 |
6974 |
Solaris (SPARC, 32-bit) |
Solaris (SPARC, 64-bit) |