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Good SOAP lib for Python 2.2

From: Irmen de Jong <irm...@NOSPAMREMOVETHISxs4all.nl>
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 20:40:16 +0200
Christopher Browne wrote:
> Irmen de Jong <irmen at NOSPAMREMOVETHISxs4all.nl> wrote:> >>I'm using Python 2.2.1 and I'm searching a current, up-to-date>>SOAP library for Python.>>I tried ZSI but it fails because apparently it uses an old XML api.>>>>What should I try instead?> > > Something's odd there.  There hasn't been any activity with ZSI since> about mid-May.  > > And zolera.com (home of Rich Salz, main ZSI developer) seems dead (as> in "DNS doesn't think it exists anymore").> > Have Zolera/Rich Salz disappeared?> > As for what's "up-to-date", your options are limited, as the latest> release _was_ ZSI, in mid-May 2002.  The last release of anything else> was of SOAP.py 0.9.7, in June 2001.  (The developers thereof were at a> DotCom that has gone under.)

Weird stuff... for Java, SOAP seems to become the de-facto RPC-over-web
aka Web Services platform, and a dozen implementations can be found.

Now why is there so little SOAP activity for Python?

Not that I like SOAP. I like XMLRPC  better, of which there's even a
module in the Python standard library. But I just have to use SOAP
for this project I'm working on, and I want to prototype stuff
in Python.

Anyway I'll try the updated SOAP.py from the PyGoogle stuff.

irmen de jong

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Irmen de Jong Jul 11, 2002 02:50 pm
Christopher Browne Jul 11, 2002 03:08 pm
Kendall Clark Jul 11, 2002 03:23 pm
Kendall Clark Jul 11, 2002 06:04 pm
Irmen de Jong Jul 11, 2002 06:40 pm
Irmen de Jong Jul 11, 2002 06:49 pm
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