Most viewed recipes by Patrick Finnegan Code RecipesConnect to Oracle DB. (Tcl) 2007-01-30T11:45:30-08:00Patrick Finnegan <p style="color: grey"> Tcl recipe 502195 by <a href="/recipes/users/475144/">Patrick Finnegan</a> (<a href="/recipes/tags/tclblend/">tclblend</a>). </p> <p>Quick connection to Oracle Database.</p> Create Properties Object. Return loaded property object. (Tcl) 2007-01-31T10:22:15-08:00Patrick Finnegan <p style="color: grey"> Tcl recipe 502196 by <a href="/recipes/users/475144/">Patrick Finnegan</a> (<a href="/recipes/tags/tclblend/">tclblend</a>). </p> <p>Uses the java Properties class to read a java formatted property file. Returns a loaded Property object. Access the properties using the get property method.</p> <p>$PropertyI getProperty</p> dumpThreads (Tcl) 2007-02-05T18:24:13-08:00Patrick Finnegan <p style="color: grey"> Tcl recipe 502208 by <a href="/recipes/users/475144/">Patrick Finnegan</a> (<a href="/recipes/tags/websphere/">websphere</a>). Revision 2. </p> <p>Take a java core dump from a running server. Identify the working directory where the file will be placed.</p> WSCP - showServerStatus (Tcl) 2002-10-01T04:42:31-07:00Patrick Finnegan <p style="color: grey"> Tcl recipe 154433 by <a href="/recipes/users/475144/">Patrick Finnegan</a> . </p> <p>Display current status of application server.</p> WSCP - Export WebSphere Node Config to XML file. (Tcl) 2002-10-01T23:52:23-07:00Patrick Finnegan <p style="color: grey"> Tcl recipe 154597 by <a href="/recipes/users/475144/">Patrick Finnegan</a> . </p> <p>WSCP script calls XMLConfig to export WebSphere node configuration to XML file. Tcl inserts timestamp in file name to uniquely identify XML file. Called from Windows shell script.</p> Tcl WSCP Deployment Script (Tcl) 2002-09-26T21:04:23-07:00Patrick Finnegan <p style="color: grey"> Tcl recipe 153152 by <a href="/recipes/users/475144/">Patrick Finnegan</a> . </p> <p>WSCP(WebSphere Control Program) is the command line scripting interface for the IBM WebSphere Java Application Server. WSCP is designed to automate tasks normally executed through the WebSphere Admin Console Java GUI. This script automates the deployment of java .ear files into the WebSphere Repository.</p> Stop WebSphere AppServer (Tcl) 2002-10-01T20:08:43-07:00Patrick Finnegan <p style="color: grey"> Tcl recipe 154548 by <a href="/recipes/users/475144/">Patrick Finnegan</a> . </p> <p>WSCP script to stop WebSphere AppServer</p> WSCP - Start WebSphere AppServer (Tcl) 2002-10-01T04:47:37-07:00Patrick Finnegan <p style="color: grey"> Tcl recipe 154434 by <a href="/recipes/users/475144/">Patrick Finnegan</a> . </p> <p>WSCP script to start WebSphere AppServer</p> WSCP - Start WebSphere Enterprise App. (Tcl) 2002-10-01T21:12:19-07:00Patrick Finnegan <p style="color: grey"> Tcl recipe 154595 by <a href="/recipes/users/475144/">Patrick Finnegan</a> . </p> <p>WSCP script to automate WebSphere Enterprise App Startup. Called from Windows shell script. Also displays time taken to start Enterprise App.</p> WSCP - Stop WebSphere Enterprise App (Tcl) 2002-10-01T22:44:21-07:00Patrick Finnegan <p style="color: grey"> Tcl recipe 154596 by <a href="/recipes/users/475144/">Patrick Finnegan</a> . </p> <p>WSCP script to automate WebSphere Enterprise App shutdown. Called from Windows shell script.</p>