Top-rated recipes tagged "utility_mill" Code RecipesUtility Mill Support Example (Python) 2009-06-03T14:36:25-07:00Stephen Chappell <p style="color: grey"> Python recipe 576793 by <a href="/recipes/users/2608421/">Stephen Chappell</a> (<a href="/recipes/tags/rpc/">rpc</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/testing/">testing</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/utility_mill/">utility_mill</a>). </p> <p>For those of you wondering how use "utility_mill" (my previous recipe), check out "hard_test()" and "soft_test()" in this example usage. The code in the lower sections generates test data and is only useful if trying to understand the "expressions" recipe initially ported from C#. The hard test shows how easy it is to execute a utility that you know the name of. The most recent version is used, but this can be inefficient. The soft test runs the same utility once a minute but only updates the version once an hour. This can saves the Utility Mill some extra work that may not be necessary.</p> Utility Mill Support (Python) 2009-06-03T14:18:24-07:00Stephen Chappell <p style="color: grey"> Python recipe 576791 by <a href="/recipes/users/2608421/">Stephen Chappell</a> (<a href="/recipes/tags/rpc/">rpc</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/testing/">testing</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/utility_mill/">utility_mill</a>). Revision 2. </p> <p>Have you ever published a recipe to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and then wished that you could remotely execute your program? Now that is easy to do with the following supporting library! Running the latest version of your program is easy with the "run_latest(name, query)" command and requires no knowledge of UM's API -- just supply the program's name and keyword arguments that it requires for execution. "utility_mill" is easy to use and can be customized with access to more specific commands available to you. You do not need to know the latest version number? Just use "get_results(name, version, query)" instead to save a call to the server!</p>