Most viewed recipes tagged "morse_practice_oscillator" Code RecipesSimple Morse Code Practice Oscillator. (Python)
2012-01-09T22:49:05-08:00Barry Walker
<p style="color: grey">
recipe 578010
by <a href="/recipes/users/4177147/">Barry Walker</a>
(<a href="/recipes/tags/audio/">audio</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/code/">code</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/demo/">demo</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/linux/">linux</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/morse/">morse</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/morse_code/">morse_code</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/morse_practice_oscillator/">morse_practice_oscillator</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/sound/">sound</a>).
Revision 2.
<p>This is not for the big guns, but for the Amateur coder AND radio enthusiast.</p>
<p>It is a DEMO Morse Code Practice Oscillator that will allow the user to practice
sending Morse code using the "o" and "p" keys as a PSEUDO-paddle key. It is set to
around 8 WPM, (Words Per Minute). The code allows "O" and "P" to be used at around
12 WPM, when "Caps Lock" is turned on. Read the code for more informtion.</p>
<p>It is for at least standard text mode Python 2.5.2 to 2.7.2 using PCLinuxOS 2009 and
Debian 6.0.0. It may well work at a much earlier version. I do have a version for
Python 3.x.x but that will be uploaded elsewhere.</p>
<p>It is written in such a way that youngsters can understand what is going on.</p>
<p>Enjoy finding simple solutions to often very difficult problems... ;o)</p>
<p>Bazza, G0LCU...</p>
Samuel F. B. Morse's Code (Python)
2012-12-06T04:20:31-08:00Stephen Chappell
<p style="color: grey">
recipe 578364
by <a href="/recipes/users/2608421/">Stephen Chappell</a>
(<a href="/recipes/tags/code/">code</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/demonstration/">demonstration</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/morse/">morse</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/morse_code/">morse_code</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/morse_practice_oscillator/">morse_practice_oscillator</a>, <a href="/recipes/tags/sound/">sound</a>).
<p>Many people have heard of Morse['s] Code, and it still is a helpful skill to have in certain context, as advanced as technology has become. The following recipe shows two sample ways that it can be implemented and shows some diversity in how problems can be solved in Python or many other languages for that matter.</p>