Display buttonbar generated from .ini style file of command templates. Commandline contains path used to generate commands. Templates can contain macros which will be replaced by parts of the file path. Template 'copy {a} {u}\{f}' could copy selected file {a} to backup directory {u} with same file name {f}. Command line specifies name of .ini file and which sections to include in buttonbar. Not all need be used.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 | '''
;#template` {-path} {-menu} {-s1} {-s2} {-s3}
;#option`-path`Path to controlling file`F`c:\source\python\projects\menu\buttonbar.py`
;#option`-menu`Path to menu file`F`c:\source\python\projects\menu\test.ini`
;#option`-s1`First section`X`info`
;#option`-s2`Second section`X`help`
;#option`-s3`Third section`X`data`
# ----------------------------------------------
# Name: ButtonBarV1
# Description:
## D20E-119 Popup button bar using Qeditor style menus.ini file, selects sections to use (ExPopen)
# Author: Philip S. Rist
# Date: 12/20/2009
# Copyright 2009 by St. Thomas Software
# ----------------------------------------------
# This program is freeware. It may be used
# for any moral purpose. You use it at your
# own risk. St. Thomas Software makes no
# guarantees to its fitness to do anything.
# If you feel you must pay for it. Please
# send one million dollars to
# The International Rescue Committee
# 122 East 42nd Street
# New York, N.Y. 10168-1289
# Ok, we are in a recession. So, make it a half
# million.
# Example of .reg file entry
# [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\textfile\Shell\TextTools]
# @="T&ext Tools
# "EditFlags"=hex:01,00,00,00
# [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\textfile\Shell\TextTools\Command]
# @="c:\\sys\\python25\\python.exe c:\\bin\\ButtonBarV1.py \"%1\" \"c:\\bin\\Text Tools.ini\" tools \"text tools\" "
# %1 is replaced by the selected file. It is used to replace {a}, {b}, {n}, {f}, {p} etc. during command expansion.
# This string is used only for command expansion and for display at the top of the dialog. If no expansion
# is performed any string can be used and displayed.
# The second parameter is the name of the initialization file shown below. Each line contains a prompt displayed
# on a button and a command separated by a comma. Macros are replaced before execution.
# The remaining parameters the sections to be used to make the button bar. The order in the initialization file
# is maintained.
# Example initialization file (Text Tools.ini)
# [Text Tools]
# Open,c:\source\TextFiles\qeditor.exe "{a}"
# Print,c:\windows\nodepad.exe /P "{a}"
# Edit,c:\windows\system32\wscript.exe c:\bin\editit.vbs "{a}"
# Save,C:\Windows\system32\wscript.exe c:\bin\Util.vbs /S "{a}"
# Has been Saved,C:\Windows\system32\wscript.exe c:\bin\Util.vbs /K "{a}"
# Restore,C:\Windows\system32\wscript.exe c:\bin\Util.vbs /R "{a}"
# [Convert]
# Convert to PDF,c:\sys\python25\python.exe c:\sys\tools\pyText2PDF.py "{a}" "{b}.pdf"
# [Info]
# Win Diff,"c:\sys\DevStudio\VC\Bin\Windiff.exe" "{a}" "c:\_backup\{f}"
# [Tools]
# Directory ,c:\sys\Tcl\bin\wish84.exe c:\bin\mymenu.tcl "c:\bin\Directory.ini" "{p}"
# Directory Popup,c:\sys\Tcl\bin\wish84.exe c:\bin\RegMenu.tcl "{p}" Directory
# [Help]
# Help,c:\Windows\system32\Wscript.exe c:\bin\Notes.vbs "c:\bin\Text Tools.ini"
# [Exit]
import sys
import os
import Tkinter
from Tkconstants import *
import tkMessageBox
import subprocess
mCmds = {}
def Expand(pCommand, pFilePath):
'Replace {?} macros'
lEndPos = pFilePath.rfind("\\")
lPath = pFilePath[0:lEndPos]
lFileName = pFilePath[lEndPos+1:]
lEndPos = lFileName.rfind(".")
lName = lFileName[:lEndPos]
lFilePart = lPath + "\\" + lName
lExtension = lFileName[lEndPos:]
lTempFolder = "c:\\temp" # {t} <------------- Change these as necessary
lInstallFolder = "c:\\bin" # {i}
lBackupFolder = "c:\\_Backup" # {u}
lSourceFolder = "c:\\source" # {c}
lSystemFolder = "c:\\sys" # {y}
lWindowsFolder = "c:\\windows\\system32" # {w}
lArchiveFolder = "j:\\_Backup" # {v}
lLibraryFolder = "c:\\Library" # {l}
lProgramFolder = "c:\\Program Files" # {g}
lCommand = pCommand
lPos = lCommand.rfind("{a}")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("{a}",pFilePath)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("{b}")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("{b}",lFilePart)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("{p}")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("{p}",lPath)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("{f}")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("{f}",lFileName)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("{n}")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("{n}",lName)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("{e}")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("{e}",lExtension)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("%1")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("%1",pFileName)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("{t}")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("{t}",lTempFolder)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("{i}")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("{i}",lInstallFolder)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("{u}")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("{u}",lBackupFolder)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("{o}")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("{o}",lSourceFolder)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("{y}")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("{y}",lSystemFolder)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("{w}")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("{w}",lWindowsFolder)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("{k}")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("{k}",lArchiveFolder)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("{l}")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("{l}",lLibraryFolder)
lPos = lCommand.rfind("{g}")
if lPos > 0:
lCommand = lCommand.replace("{g}",lProgramFolder)
return lCommand
def showit(pEvent):
'View expansion of selected command'
pPrompt = pEvent.widget.cget("text")
pCommand = mCmds[pPrompt]
tkMessageBox.showinfo('Expanded Command:',pPrompt + " = " + pCommand)
def submitnow(pEvent):
'Execute selected command'
pPrompt = pEvent.widget.cget("text")
pCommand = mCmds[pPrompt]
# synchronous
#f = os.popen(pCommand,"r")
#print f.read()
# synchronous
pCommand = '"' + pCommand + '"'
lCmd = subprocess.Popen(pCommand, shell=True)
def Build(pMenuName, pFileName, pLabelList):
Build menu from menu file
The menu file may contain commands to set the current directory and to
set specified environment variables. This is done while the file is
being read. They are not dependent on the selected button. The last
command encountered will be active.
set environment variable name to value
set current directory to path
lFile = open(pMenuName,'r')
lFileText = lFile.readlines()
label = Tkinter.Label(frame, text=pFileName)
label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
lKeep = False
for lText in lFileText:
if len(lText) > 1:
if lText[0] != "[":
if lText[0] == "-":
#label= Tkinter.Label(frame,text=lText[:-1])
#label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
elif lText.startswith(";#"): # <---- Special commands start with ;#
lPos = lText.find("`") # <---- Fields are separated by `
if lPos > 0:
lCh = lText[2]
if lCh == 's': # set environment variable
lEqPos = lText.find("=")
if lEqPos > lPos:
lKey = lText[lPos+1:lEqPos].strip()
lValue = lText[lEqPos+1:].strip()
os.environ[lKey] = lValue
elif lCh == 'c': # set working directory
if lPos > 0 and lPos < len(lText):
else: # ignore
elif lText[0] == ";":
elif lKeep == False:
lPos = lText.find(",")
if lPos > 0:
lPrompt = lText[:lPos]
lCommand = lText[lPos+1:]
lCommand = Expand(lCommand, pFileName)
mCmds[lPrompt] = lCommand
button = Tkinter.Button(frame,text=lPrompt)
button.bind("<Button-1>", submitnow) ### (1)
button.bind("<Button-3>", showit)
label = lText[1:-2].lower()
if (label[0] < 'a') or (label[0] > 'z'):
label = label[1:]
if pLabelList == [] or label in pLabelList:
lKeep = True
label = Tkinter.Label(frame,text=lText[1:-2], bg="yellow")
label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
lKeep = False
tk = Tkinter.Tk()
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
mFileName = sys.argv[1] # First argument is absolute path to file to be processed
mFileName = mFileName.replace("/","\\")
if len(sys.argv) > 2: # Second argument is absolute path to initialization file used to
mMenuName = sys.argv[2] # generate button bar
mMenuName = "c:\\bin\\Tools Menu.ini" # <------- Default menu - Change this
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
mLabelList = sys.argv[3:]
mLabelList = [ "references" ] # <------- Default section - Change this
mLabelList = [x.lower() for x in mLabelList]
frame = Tkinter.Frame(tk, relief=RIDGE, borderwidth=2)
Build(mMenuName, mFileName, mLabelList)
label = Tkinter.Label(frame,text="", bg="yellow")
label.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
button = Tkinter.Button(frame,text='Exit',command=frame.quit)
tkMessageBox.showinfo('Syntax Error','File name required')
I like to play around with different languages. Some are rather old. Many have not always had an IDE. I wanted an editor/IDE which could be used for all my favorite languages. I stumbled upon QEditor by Steve Hutchesson. It used an .ini style file to configure its menus. As a compulsive programmer I have developed multiple little tools, too many to include on a windows context menu. I decided to use buttonbars that I can popup as needed. Since many of these commands were already defined in the menu files for QEditor I decided to build my buttonbars from these files. As an example I have a menu for documentation, mostly downloaded that I can popup from QEditor but can be popped up as a buttonbar when I am using another IDE. The program should be useable whenever you want to use a buttonbar to select a command to run. This is version 1.
Version 2 will allow you to specify a file template, c:\source\python\new*.py for example with the ability to scroll through and select individual files to process.
I have only tested this program under WinXP. You will probably need to make some minor changes to get it to work under a different os.
This recipe is now obsolete. It has been replaced by recipe 577462.
The new recipe should be compatible with commands and menus used by this recipe.