this script opens a file called "folders.txt" which contains foldername each in a separate line , and then passes by these folders one by one in a loop and takes ownership of these folders and subfolders and deletes them
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Created on Jun 25, 2009
this script reads from a txt file having folder names , where each folder name is a new line
and take owner ship of the folder , then deletes the folder with all its sub directories and files
@author: Mohamed Garrana
import os
for line in fv:
print folder
takeown="takeown /f %s /r /d y" %(folder,)
deletefolder="rd /s /q %s" %(folder,)
What if the folder name contains a space? Why os.popen and not os.system, if you're not interested in the output? Why not subprocess? Why a bare except clause - what if the user presses Ctrl-C? Why the hardcoded name "folders.txt"?
Looks too risky for me to execute...
I think for such a simple task you don't need Python:
To delete all the sub folders and files, use this:
Anyway, thanks for sharing! I used Cygwin's chown before, but takeown seems to work better.
hello sorry for the late reply actually i customized this script for a certian purpose , it wasn't meant to work in any situation you are 100% right , about the hardcoded name ,you can use sys.argv or something and pass the file as an argment , as i said this was designed for just a specific purpose and i thought of just sharing the idea by posting it , ivan , i agree i 'd most probably use powershell for such task