The recipe below is obsolete. Please use this one instead #!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright, license and disclaimer are at the end of this file. '''This module exposes function asizeof() which calculates the (approximate) size of Python objects in bytes. The size of an object is defined as the sum of the basic size of the object type, the item size times the number of items and the size of any referenced objects. The basic and item sizes are obtained from the __basicsize__ resp. __itemsize__ attributes of the type of the object. Any zero item size (for sequence objects) is replaced by the size of the C typedef of the item. Referenced objects are visited recursively up to a given depth. The size of any objects referenced multiple times is included only once. Multi-precision int (aka long) objects and over-allocation of mutable sequence objects as lists are taken into account. The (byte)code size of objects as classes, functions, methods, modules, etc. can be included, optionally. Sizes can be aligned to a given alignment (power of 2). To prevent excessive sizes, several object types are ignored, e.g. builtins, referenced modules and function globals. But module objects will be sized if passed as arguments. In addition, many __...__ attributes of callable objects are ignored, except crucial ones, e.g. class attributes __dict__, __doc__, __name__. For more details, check the type-specific functions returning referenced objects. These and possibly other assumptions are rather arbitrary and may need corrections or adjustments. Tested with Python 2.2.3, 2.3.4, 2.4.3, 2.5.1 or 3.0a2 on RHEL 3u7, CentOS 4.6, SuSE 9.3, MacOS X Tiger (Intel) and Panther (PPC), Solaris 10 and Windows XP. Function asizeof() is not thread-safe. ''' __version__ = '2.12 (Feb 21, 2008)' __all__ = ['asizeof',] from inspect import isbuiltin, isclass, iscode, isframe, isfunction, ismethod, ismodule from math import log from struct import pack from sys import getrecursionlimit # type-specific functions def _dir(obj, prefix): '''Return list of matching attributes, except globals. ''' g = prefix + 'globals' # sized in modules return [a for a in dir(obj) if a.startswith(prefix) and a != g] def _refs(obj, *ats): '''Return list of specified attribute objects. ''' return [getattr(obj, a) for a in ats if hasattr(obj, a)] def _class(obj): '''Class objects. ''' return _refs(obj, '__class__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__name__', '__slots__', '__weakref__') def _code(obj): '''Code objects. ''' return _refs(obj, *_dir(obj, 'co_')) def _dict(obj): '''Dict keys and value. ''' return list(obj.keys()) + list(obj.values()) def _frame(obj): '''Frame objects. ''' return _refs(obj, *_dir(obj, 'f_')) def _function(obj): '''Function or lambda objects. ''' return _refs(obj, '__doc__', '__name__', *_dir(obj, 'func_')) def _instance(obj): '''Class instance objects. ''' return _refs(obj, '__dict__', '__slots__') def _method(obj): '''Method objects. ''' return _refs(obj, '__doc__', '__name__', *_dir(obj, 'im_')) def _module(obj): '''Module objects. ''' # essentially a dict return dict([(a, getattr(obj, a)) for a in dir(obj)]) def _seq(obj): '''Frozen/set, list, tuple and xrange objects. ''' return list(obj) def _type(obj): '''Type objects. ''' return _refs(obj, '__mro__', '__name__') # sizes of some C types _Csizeof_int = len(pack('i', 0)) # sizeof(int) _Csizeof_long = len(pack('l', 0)) # sizeof(long) _Csizeof_ssize = len(pack('P', 0)) # sizeof(ssize_t) _Csizeof_voidp = len(pack('P', 0)) # sizeof(void*) try: # multi-precision int (or long) _Csizeof_digit = long.__itemsize__ except NameError: # no long in Python 3.0 _Csizeof_digit = int.__itemsize__ _Csizeof_head = _Csizeof_voidp + _Csizeof_ssize # sizeof(PyObject_HEAD) _Csizeof_var_head = _Csizeof_head + _Csizeof_ssize # sizeof(PyObject_VAR_HEAD) # length functions def _len(obj): '''Safe len(). ''' try: return len(obj) except: # TypeError return 0 def _len1(obj): '''Length of str and unicode. ''' return len(obj) + 1 # XXX sentinel def _len8(obj): '''Length of mutable sequences. ''' n = len(obj) # estimate over-allocation if n < 9: n += 4 else: n += 6 + (n >> 3) return n _digit2p2 = 1 << (_Csizeof_digit * 8) _digitmax = _digit2p2 - 1 # == (2 * PyLong_MASK + 1) _digitlog = 1.0 / log(_digit2p2) def _ilen(obj): '''Length of multi-precision int (aka long) in digits. ''' n, i = 1, abs(obj) if i > _digitmax: # no log(x[, base]) in Python 2.2 n += int(log(i) * _digitlog) return n # [type] = (_ref(), _len(), basicsize, itemsize) _types_data = {} def _types(types, t, t4): '''Add type to types. ''' if t in types: # and types[t] != t4 raise KeyError('asizeof type conflict: %r %r' % (t, t4)) types[t] = t4 def _basic(t, r, n, i): '''Return basicsize of type and add type. ''' s = getattr(t, '__basicsize__', 0) _types(_types_data, t, (r, n, s, getattr(t, '__itemsize__', 0) or i)) return s # basicsize of data types _basicsize_dict = _basic(dict, _dict, _len8, _Csizeof_ssize + (_Csizeof_voidp * 2)) # sizeof(PyDictEntry) _basicsize_ellipsis = _basic(type(Ellipsis), None, None, 0) _basicsize_float = _basic(float, None, None, 0) _basicsize_int = _basic(int, None, _ilen, int.__itemsize__) # multi-precision in Python 3.0 _basicsize_list = _basic(list, _seq, _len8, _Csizeof_voidp) # sizeof(PyObject*) _basicsize_none = _basic(type(None), None, None, 0) _basicsize_tuple = _basic(tuple, _seq, _len, _Csizeof_voidp) # sizeof(PyObject*) # newer or obsolete data types try: if isbuiltin(bool): # Python 2.2 _basicsize_bool = int.__basicsize__ # like int else: # bool is a type _basicsize_bool = _basic(bool, None, None, 0) except NameError: # missing _basicsize_bool = 0 try: _basicsize_bytes = _basic(bytes, None, _len, 1) except NameError: # missing _basicsize_bytes = 0 try: # XXX str8 == bytes + sentinel? _basic(str8, None, _len1, 1) except NameError: # missing pass try: _basicsize_frozenset = _basic(frozenset, _seq, _len8, (_Csizeof_voidp + _Csizeof_long)) # sizeof(setentry) except NameError: # missing _basicsize_frozenset = 0 try: _basicsize_set = _basic(set, _seq, _len8, (_Csizeof_voidp + _Csizeof_long)) # sizeof(setentry) except NameError: # missing _basicsize_set = 0 try: _basicsize_long = _basic(long, None, _ilen, 0) # multi-precision except NameError: # missing _basicsize_long = 0 try: _basic(type(NotImplemented), None, None, 0) except NameError: # missing pass try: _basicsize_unicode = _basic(unicode, None, _len1, 2) # sizeof(PY_UNICODE_TYPE) 2-byte short _basicsize_str = _basic(str, None, _len1, 1) # 1-byte char except NameError: # missing _basicsize_unicode = 0 # str is unicode _basicsize_str = _basic(str, None, _len1, 2) # XXX 2-byte char? try: if isbuiltin(xrange): # Python 2.2 _basicsize_xrange = 0 else: # xrange is a type _basicsize_xrange = _basic(xrange, _seq, _len, _basicsize_int) except NameError: # missing _basicsize_xrange = 0 # basicsize of code and some special types class _C: pass class _M: def m(self): pass def _F(): pass _basicsize_class = type(_C).__basicsize__ _basicsize_function = type(_F).__basicsize__ _basicsize_instance = type(_C()).__basicsize__ _basicsize_method = type(_M.m).__basicsize__ _basicsize_type = _basic(type, _type, None, 0) _basicsize_code = _Csizeof_head + (10 * _Csizeof_voidp) + (5 * _Csizeof_int) # sizeof(PyCodeObject) _basicsize_frame = _Csizeof_var_head + (13 * _Csizeof_voidp) + (21 * 3 * _Csizeof_int) # sizeof(PyFrameObject) _basicsize_module = _Csizeof_head + _Csizeof_voidp # sizeof(PyModuleObject) del _C, _M, _F # keep code and data types separate _types_code = _types_data.copy() try: # sum() builtin _sum = sum except NameError: # no sum() in Python 2.2 def _sum(vals): t = 0 for v in vals: t += v return t def _sizer(obj, deep, code, mask, types, seen): '''Size an object, recursively. ''' s, k = 0, id(obj) if k in seen: # obj seen before seen[k] += 1 else: seen[k] = 1 t = type(obj) try: # get _ref(), _len(), basic- and itemsize r, n, s, i = types[t] except KeyError: # new type r, n, i = None, _len, 0 if isbuiltin(obj) or ismodule(obj): pass # ignore elif isframe(obj): r, s = _frame, _basicsize_frame elif iscode(obj): if code: r, s = _code, _basicsize_code elif hasattr(obj, '__call__'): # no callable() in Python 3.0 if code: if isclass(obj): r, s = _class, _basicsize_class elif isfunction(obj): r, s = _function, _basicsize_function elif ismethod(obj): r, s = _method, _basicsize_method elif isinstance(obj, type): r, s = _type, _basicsize_type else: # assume some class inst r, s = _instance, _basicsize_instance if s: # adjust size s = max(s, getattr(t, '__basicsize__', 0)) # add new type _types(types, t, (r, n, s, getattr(t, '__itemsize__', i))) if n and i > 0: # items size s += i * n(obj) if mask: # align s = (s + mask) & ~mask if r and deep > 0: # add sizes of ref'd objs try: deep -= 1 s += _sum([_sizer(o, deep, code, mask, types, seen) for o in r(obj)]) seen[0] = min(deep, seen[0]) # recursion depth except RuntimeError: # XXX RecursionLimitExceeded: pass return s def _obj(obj): '''Handle special cases. ''' if ismodule(obj): return _module(obj) return obj def _print(fmt, *args): if fmt and args: print(fmt % args) else: print(fmt) def _repr(obj, clip=80): '''Clip long repr() string. ''' try: # safe repr() r = repr(obj) except TypeError: r = 'N/A' if 0 < clip < len(r): h = (clip // 2) - 2 if h > 0: r = r[:h] + '....' + r[-h:] return r def _SI(size, K=1024): '''Return size as SI string. ''' if 1 < K < size: f = float(size) for si in iter('KMGPTE'): f /= K if f < K: return ' or %.1f %sB' % (f, si) return '' def _asizeof(objs, deep=100, code=False, align=8, verbose=0): '''Combine size one or more objects. ''' if align > 1: m = align - 1 if (align & m) != 0: raise ValueError('asizeof invalid alignment: %r' % align) else: m = 0 if code: t = _types_code else: t = _types_data v = {0: deep} # recursion depth # positional arguments s = _sum([_sizer(_obj(o), deep, code, m, t, v) for o in objs]) # print some details if verbose > 0: d = deep - v[0]; del v[0] w = 1 + len(str(s)) # print size and stats _print('asizeof(%s, verbose=%d): ...', _repr(objs), verbose) if code: _print('%*d bytes%s (incl. code)', w, s, _SI(s)) else: _print('%*d bytes%s', w, s, _SI(s)) if m: _print('%*d byte aligned', w, m + 1) _print('%*d byte sizeof(void*)', w, _Csizeof_voidp) _print('%*d objects sized', w, len(v)) _print('%*d objects seen', w, _sum(v.values())) if d > 0: _print('%*d deepest recursion', w, d) if verbose > 1: # print types def _sorted(args): try: # XXX Python 3.0 args.sort() except AttributeError: pass return args _print('%*d types: (_ref(), _len(), basicsize, itemsize)', w, len(t)) for t in _sorted(t.items()): _print('%*s %r: %r', w, '', *t) return s def asizeof(*objs, **kwds): '''Return the total size in bytes of all objects passed as positional argments. asizeof(obj, ..., deep=100, # recursion limit code=False, # incl. size of callables align=8, # size alignment verbose=0) # verbosity level Set deep to a positive value to accumulate the sizes of all objects referenced by obj, recursively. Using deep zero returns the basic size of the object, incl. the size for the dict, frozen/set, str, list or tuple items space. The code size of callable objects like classes, functions, methods, etc. is included only if code is True. Set align to a power of 2 to align sizes. Any value less than 2 avoids size alignment. A positive value for verbose prints some stats like the number and types of objects used. ''' return _asizeof(objs, **kwds) # (deep=100, code=False, align=8, verbose=0) if __name__ == '__main__': MAX = getrecursionlimit() + 4 def _aprint(obj, deep=MAX, **kwds): _print(" asizeof(%s) is %d, %d, %d", _repr(obj), asizeof(obj, deep=0, code=False), asizeof(obj, deep=deep, code=False, **kwds), asizeof(obj, deep=deep, code=True, **kwds)) _print('some C sizes:') s = [t for t in locals().items() if t[0].startswith('_Csizeof_')] s.sort() for k, v in s: _print(" sizeof(%s) is %d", k[9:], v) _print('') _print('type.__basicsize__ (0 means missing type):') s = [t for t in locals().items() if t[0].startswith('_basicsize_')] s.sort() for k, v in s: _print(" %s is %d", k[11:], v) class C: pass class D: _attr1 = None _attr2 = None class E(D): def __init__(self, a1=1, a2=2): _attr1 = a1 _attr2 = a2 class S: __slots__ = ('a', 'b') class T: __slots__ = ('a', 'b') def __init__(self): self.a = self.b = 0 _print('') _print('asizeof(%s, deep=%s, code=%s)', '', '0/MAX', 'False/True') for o in (None, 1.0, 1.0e100, 1024, 1000000000, MAX, 1<<32, 1<<64, 1<<256, -(1 << 256), '', 'a', 'abcdefg', type, {}, (), [], s, C(), C.__dict__, D(), D.__dict__, E(), E.__dict__, S(), S.__dict__, T(), T.__dict__, _types_data): _aprint(o) _print('') _print('asizeof(%s, deep=%s, code=%s)', '', '0/MAX', 'False/True') for o in (C, D, E, S, T, # classes are callable _code, _dict, _instance, _ilen, _seq, lambda x: x, (_code, _dict, _instance, _ilen, _seq)): _aprint(o) _print('') _print('asizeof(%s, deep=%s, code=%s)', 'locals()', 'MAX', False) asizeof(locals(), deep=MAX, code=False, verbose=1) _print('') _print('asizeof(%s, deep=%s, code=%s)', 'globals()', 'MAX', False) asizeof(globals(), deep=MAX, code=False, verbose=2) _print('') _print('asizeof(deep=%s, code=%s, *%s)', 'MAX', True, 'sys.modules.values()') from sys import modules asizeof(deep=MAX, code=True, verbose=2, *modules.values()) # License file from an earlier version of asizeof() follows: #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2002-2008 -- ProphICy Semiconductor, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # - Neither the name of ProphICy Semiconductor, Inc. nor the names # of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written # permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED # OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #---------------------------------------------------------------------