This is a simple implementation of an octree data structure in python. Its use is primarily for fast collision or view frustrum culling in interactive 3d environments, but its possible uses are quite open-ended. It was originally written for use with the pyOgre 3d engine binding. The code makes use of recursive functions to insert and find nodes in the octree, and is heavily commented. It can store any type of object you create, so long as that object has a 'position' property in the form of a 3-vector tuple. It includes a test function which relies on the random module, but the octree itself has no required dependencies. It will try to use the psyco module to speed up its execution, but that is not essential.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 | # python Octree v.1
# Is now more like a true octree (ie: partitions space containing objects)
# Important Points to remember:
# The OctNode positions do not correspond to any object position
# rather they are seperate containers which may contain objects
# or other nodes.
# An OctNode which which holds less objects than MAX_OBJECTS_PER_CUBE
# is a LeafNode; it has no branches, but holds a list of objects contained within
# its boundaries. The list of objects is held in the leafNode's 'data' property
# If more objects are added to an OctNode, taking the object count over MAX_OBJECTS_PER_CUBE
# Then the cube has to subdivide itself, and arrange its objects in the new child nodes.
# The new octNode itself contains no objects, but its children should.
# Psyco may well speed this script up considerably, but results seem to vary.
# TODO: Add support for multi-threading for node insertion and/or searching
#### Global Variables ####
# This defines the maximum objects an LeafNode can hold, before it gets subdivided again.
# This dictionary is used by the findBranch function, to return the correct branch index
DIRLOOKUP = {"3":0, "2":1, "-2":2, "-1":3, "1":4, "0":5, "-4":6, "-3":7}
#### End Globals ####
# Try importing psyco, in case it makes any speed difference
# ( Speed increase seems to vary depending on system ).
import psyco
print "Could not import psyco, speed may suffer :)"
class OctNode:
# New Octnode Class, can be appended to as well i think
def __init__(self, position, size, data):
# OctNode Cubes have a position and size
# position is related to, but not the same as the objects the node contains.
self.position = position
self.size = size
# All OctNodes will be leaf nodes at first
# Then subdivided later as more objects get added
self.isLeafNode = True
# store our object, typically this will be one, but maybe more = data
# might as well give it some emtpy branches while we are here.
self.branches = [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]
# The cube's bounding coordinates -- Not currently used
self.ldb = (position[0] - (size / 2), position[1] - (size / 2), position[2] - (size / 2))
self.ruf = (position[0] + (size / 2), position[1] + (size / 2), position[2] + (size / 2))
class Octree:
def __init__(self, worldSize):
# Init the world bounding root cube
# all world geometry is inside this
# it will first be created as a leaf node (ie, without branches)
# this is because it has no objects, which is less than MAX_OBJECTS_PER_CUBE
# if we insert more objects into it than MAX_OBJECTS_PER_CUBE, then it will subdivide itself.
self.root = self.addNode((0,0,0), worldSize, [])
self.worldSize = worldSize
def addNode(self, position, size, objects):
# This creates the actual OctNode itself.
return OctNode(position, size, objects)
def insertNode(self, root, size, parent, objData):
if root == None:
# we're inserting a single object, so if we reach an empty node, insert it here
# Our new node will be a leaf with one object, our object
# More may be added later, or the node maybe subdivided if too many are added
# Find the Real Geometric centre point of our new node:
# Found from the position of the parent node supplied in the arguments
pos = parent.position
# offset is halfway across the size allocated for this node
offset = size / 2
# find out which direction we're heading in
branch = self.findBranch(parent, objData.position)
# new center = parent position + (branch direction * offset)
newCenter = (0,0,0)
if branch == 0:
# left down back
newCenter = (pos[0] - offset, pos[1] - offset, pos[2] - offset )
elif branch == 1:
# left down forwards
newCenter = (pos[0] - offset, pos[1] - offset, pos[2] + offset )
elif branch == 2:
# right down forwards
newCenter = (pos[0] + offset, pos[1] - offset, pos[2] + offset )
elif branch == 3:
# right down back
newCenter = (pos[0] + offset, pos[1] - offset, pos[2] - offset )
elif branch == 4:
# left up back
newCenter = (pos[0] - offset, pos[1] + offset, pos[2] - offset )
elif branch == 5:
# left up forward
newCenter = (pos[0] - offset, pos[1] + offset, pos[2] + offset )
elif branch == 6:
# right up forward
newCenter = (pos[0] + offset, pos[1] - offset, pos[2] - offset )
elif branch == 7:
# right up back
newCenter = (pos[0] + offset, pos[1] + offset, pos[2] - offset )
# Now we know the centre point of the new node
# we already know the size as supplied by the parent node
# So create a new node at this position in the tree
# print "Adding Node of size: " + str(size / 2) + " at " + str(newCenter)
return self.addNode(newCenter, size, [objData])
#else: are we not at our position, but not at a leaf node either
elif root.position != objData.position and root.isLeafNode == False:
# we're in an octNode still, we need to traverse further
branch = self.findBranch(root, objData.position)
# Find the new scale we working with
newSize = root.size / 2
# Perform the same operation on the appropriate branch recursively
root.branches[branch] = self.insertNode(root.branches[branch], newSize, root, objData)
# else, is this node a leaf node with objects already in it?
elif root.isLeafNode:
# We've reached a leaf node. This has no branches yet, but does hold
# some objects, at the moment, this has to be less objects than MAX_OBJECTS_PER_CUBE
# otherwise this would not be a leafNode (elementary my dear watson).
# if we add the node to this branch will we be over the limit?
# No? then Add to the Node's list of objects and we're done
#return root
elif len( == MAX_OBJECTS_PER_CUBE:
# Adding this object to this leaf takes us over the limit
# So we have to subdivide the leaf and redistribute the objects
# on the new children.
# Add the new object to pre-existing list
# copy the list
objList =
# Clear this node's data = None
# Its not a leaf node anymore
root.isLeafNode = False
# Calculate the size of the new children
newSize = root.size / 2
# distribute the objects on the new tree
# print "Subdividing Node sized at: " + str(root.size) + " at " + str(root.position)
for ob in objList:
branch = self.findBranch(root, ob.position)
root.branches[branch] = self.insertNode(root.branches[branch], newSize, root, ob)
return root
def findPosition(self, root, position):
# Basic collision lookup that finds the leaf node containing the specified position
# Returns the child objects of the leaf, or None if the leaf is empty or none
if root == None:
return None
elif root.isLeafNode:
branch = self.findBranch(root, position)
return self.findPosition(root.branches[branch], position)
def findBranch(self, root, position):
# helper function
# returns an index corresponding to a branch
# pointing in the direction we want to go
vec1 = root.position
vec2 = position
result = 0
# Equation created by adding nodes with known branch directions
# into the tree, and comparing results.
# See DIRLOOKUP above for the corresponding return values and branch indices
for i in range(3):
if vec1[i] <= vec2[i]:
result += (-4 / (i + 1) / 2)
result += (4 / (i + 1) / 2)
result = DIRLOOKUP[str(result)]
return result
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------##
if __name__ == "__main__":
### Object Insertion Test ###
# So lets test the adding:
import random
import time
#Dummy object class to test with
class TestObject:
def __init__(self, name, position): = name
self.position = position
# Create a new octree, size of world
myTree = Octree(15000.0000)
# Number of objects we intend to add.
# Number of collisions we're going to test
# Insert some random objects and time it
Start = time.time()
for x in range(NUM_TEST_OBJECTS):
name = "Node__" + str(x)
pos = (random.randrange(-4500.000, 4500.000), random.randrange(-4500.00, 4500.00), random.randrange(-4500.00, 4500.00))
testOb = TestObject(name, pos)
myTree.insertNode(myTree.root, 15000.000, myTree.root, testOb)
End = time.time() - Start
# print some results.
print str(NUM_TEST_OBJECTS) + "-Node Tree Generated in " + str(End) + " Seconds"
print "Tree Leaves contain a maximum of " + str(MAX_OBJECTS_PER_CUBE) + " objects each."
### Lookup Tests ###
# Look up some random positions and time it
Start = time.time()
for x in range(NUM_COLLISION_LOOKUPS):
pos = (random.randrange(-4500.000, 4500.000), random.randrange(-4500.00, 4500.00), random.randrange(-4500.00, 4500.00))
result = myTree.findPosition(myTree.root, pos)
# This proves that results are being returned - but may result in a large printout
# I'd just comment it out and trust me :)
# print "Results for test at: " + str(pos)
# if result != None:
# for i in result:
# print, i.position,
# print
End = time.time() - Start
# print some results.
print str(NUM_COLLISION_LOOKUPS) + " Collision Lookups performed in " + str(End) + " Seconds"
print "Tree Leaves contain a maximum of " + str(MAX_OBJECTS_PER_CUBE) + " objects each."
x = raw_input("Press any key (Wheres the any key?):")
This was coded mainly because the python binding for Ogre, currently does not have access to ogre's octree routines. This may well change in the future, making this code obsolete.
findBranch is a little hard to follow.
Is there any reason you cast the result into a string before the lookup of the octant index? You could have integer keys and do the same lookup without the cast.
Is the calculation of lookup values more complicated than it needs to be? If you think of the result of the if statement in the for loop, which compares which axis position is <=, as a bit. Then you should just be able to indicate the combination of different axis value comparisons as 3 bits, which is a range from 0-7, ideal for an octant index.
Anyway, just some thoughts given I have implemented something resembling an octree myself.
very useful code. I think there's a bug in "insertNode" though, when you insert a new node and root is None.
Branch 3 and branch 6 generate nodes with the same center. That is wrong if I get it right.
In my code ( that crashed for that reason after adding a hundreds of point ), I solved it by using any possible combination of signs for each branch, that is:
Yep, octant 6 should be +++ instead of +--.