There are quite a few memoize decorators floating around, but none that met all my requirements. Here's my attempt. It draws from Bengt Richter's O(1) length-limited LRU cache ( and a simplification of Daniel Brodie's Simple Decorators recipe (
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__all__ = ['memoize']
# This would usually be defined elsewhere
class decoratorargs(object):
def __new__(typ, *attr_args, **attr_kwargs):
def decorator(orig_func):
self = object.__new__(typ)
self.__init__(orig_func, *attr_args, **attr_kwargs)
return self
return decorator
class memoize(decoratorargs):
class Node:
__slots__ = ['key', 'value', 'older', 'newer']
def __init__(self, key, value, older=None, newer=None):
self.key = key
self.value = value
self.older = older
self.newer = newer
def __init__(self, func, capacity, keyfunc=lambda *args, **kwargs: cPickle.dumps((args, kwargs))):
self.func = func
self.capacity = capacity
self.keyfunc = keyfunc
def reset(self):
self.mru = self.Node(None, None)
self.mru.older = self.mru.newer = self.mru
self.nodes = {self.mru.key: self.mru}
self.count = 1
self.hits = 0
self.misses = 0
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
key = self.keyfunc(*args, **kwargs)
node = self.nodes[key]
except KeyError:
# We have an entry not in the cache
self.misses += 1
value = self.func(*args, **kwargs)
lru = self.mru.newer # Always true
# If we haven't reached capacity
if self.count < self.capacity:
# Put it between the MRU and LRU - it'll be the new MRU
node = self.Node(key, value, self.mru, lru)
self.mru.newer = node
lru.older = node
self.mru = node
self.count += 1
# It's FULL! We'll make the LRU be the new MRU, but replace its
# value first
del self.nodes[lru.key] # This mapping is now invalid
lru.key = key
lru.value = value
self.mru = lru
# Add the new mapping
self.nodes[key] = self.mru
return value
# We have an entry in the cache
self.hits += 1
# If it's already the MRU, do nothing
if node is self.mru:
return node.value
lru = self.mru.newer # Always true
# If it's the LRU, update the MRU to be it
if node is lru:
self.mru = lru
return node.value
# Remove the node from the list
node.older.newer = node.newer
node.newer.older = node.older
# Put it between MRU and LRU
node.older = self.mru
self.mru.newer = node
node.newer = lru
lru.older = node
self.mru = node
return node.value
# Example usage - fib only needs a cache size of 3 to keep it from
# being an exponential-time algorithm
def fib(n): return (n > 1) and (fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)) or 1
fib(100) # => 573147844013817084101L
# This is faster because it doesn't use the default key function -
# it doesn't need to call cPickle.dumps((*args, **kwargs))
@memoize(100, lambda n: n)
def fib(n): return (n > 1) and (fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)) or 1
fib(100) # => 573147844013817084101L
# See what's in the cache
# => [(98, 218922995834555169026L), (99, 354224848179261915075L), (100, 573147844013817084101L)]
[(node.key, node.value) for node in fib.nodes.values()]
# Get an example of the key function working
fib.keyfunc(40) # => 40
# Simple report on performance
# => Hit %: 0.492462
print 'Hit %%: %f' % (float(fib.hits) / (fib.hits + fib.misses))
# Resize the LRU cache
fib.capacity = 100
fib.reset() # Not necessary unless you shrink it
I assume anyone who wants a memoizer will know why they want it.
Known issues:
1) Changing the capacity downward doesn't actually change the capacity until you reset the cache.
2) If garbage collection is disabled, it leaks because it uses a doubly-linked list. To fix this, the reset() function should null all forward and back references.
Memos are shared between instances. The implementation above shares memos between different instances of the same object. If you want each instance to use a different memo, use something like this: