Simple GUI to allow converting images from one format to another. Available formats are: .gif .jpg .png .tif .bmp Uses PIL.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 | #!/usr/bin/env python
"""Program for converting image files from one format
to another. Will convert one file at a time or all
files (of a selected format) in a directory at once.
Converted files have same basename as original files.
Uses workaround: askdirectory() does not allow choosing
a new dir, so asksaveasfilename() is used instead, and
the filename is discarded, keeping just the directory.
import os, os.path, string, sys
from Tkinter import *
from tkFileDialog import *
import Image
openfile = '' # full pathname: dir(abs) + root + ext
indir = ''
outdir = ''
def getinfilename():
global openfile, indir
ftypes=(('Gif Images', '*.gif'),
('Jpeg Images', '*.jpg'),
('Png Images', '*.png'),
('Tiff Images', '*.tif'),
('Bitmap Images', '*.bmp'),
("All files", "*"))
if indir:
openfile = askopenfilename(initialdir=indir,
openfile = askopenfilename(filetypes=ftypes)
if openfile:
indir = os.path.dirname(openfile)
def getoutdirname():
global indir, outdir
if openfile:
indir = os.path.dirname(openfile)
outfile = asksaveasfilename(initialdir=indir,
outfile = asksaveasfilename(initialfile='foo')
outdir = os.path.dirname(outfile)
def save(infile, outfile):
if infile != outfile:
except IOError:
print "Cannot convert", infile
def convert():
newext = frmt.get()
path, file = os.path.split(openfile)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
if var.get():
ls = os.listdir(indir)
filelist = []
for f in ls:
if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == ext:
filelist = [file]
for f in filelist:
infile = os.path.join(indir, f)
ofile = os.path.join(outdir, f)
outfile = os.path.splitext(ofile)[0] + newext
save(infile, outfile)
win = Toplevel(root)
Button(win, text='Done', command=win.destroy).pack()
# Divide GUI into 3 frames: top, mid, bot
root = Tk()
topframe = Frame(root,
topframe.pack(padx=2, pady=2)
midframe = Frame(root,
midframe.pack(padx=2, pady=2)
botframe = Frame(root)
text='Select image to convert',
command=getinfilename).pack(side=TOP, pady=4)
multitext = """Convert all image files
(of this format) in this folder?"""
var = IntVar()
chk = Checkbutton(topframe,
text='Select save location',
command=getoutdirname).pack(side=BOTTOM, pady=4)
Label(midframe, text="New Format:").pack(side=LEFT)
frmt = StringVar()
formats = ['.bmp', '.gif', '.jpg', '.png', '.tif']
for item in formats:
Button(botframe, text='Convert', command=convert).pack(side=LEFT,
Button(botframe, text='Quit', command=root.quit).pack(side=RIGHT,
root.title('Image Converter')
Why someone might want this: I needed this tool when I was making .avi's from my CAD program. My CAD program spits out images in .bmp format (f1.bmp, f2.bmp, f3.bmp ... fn.bmp) but my avi software needs .jpg format. So, now with a couple of clicks, I get a folder full of jpg's (f1.jpg, f2.jpg, f3.jpg, ...fn.jpg) which can be assembled into an avi, (or gif's which can be assembled into an animated gif).
Why I chose this particular solution: Previously, I wrote a simple shell script to do this on unix, using the ImageMagick 'convert' command. But when my unix machine at work got retired and all I had was NT, I decided it was time to write this python script.
Known issues: When selecting the location where the new file is to be written, I want the dialog to give me the option of being able to create a new directory. On Windows NT, the select folder dialog doesn't allow me to create a new folder. As a workaround, I use the save file dialog instead, which allows creating a new folder, but I have to use a dummy filename, which then gets discarded.
Image Converter. This works great. Do you know where I can find a good and cheap solution to converting a Group 3/4 Tiff or jpg to PCL or PostScript code?
Thanks a ton it did just what it was supposed to (after getting PIL)!
In order to work properly, I needed change the line 15 [import Image] to [from PIL import Image]. Very useful recipe, thanks a lot. It would be great to add a 'recursive' feature, and a 'delete original image' feature.
Please check an upgraded version (file deletion and recursive file picking) at