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[C++-sig] build Boost.Python v 1.63 numpy shared .lib missing

From: ARTUSI Xavier <Xavi...@cea.fr>
Mon, 23 Jan 2017 13:48:46 +0000

I tried to build Boost.Python v 1.63 shared libraries.
With :

-          msvc=12.0

-          Python 3.4

-          Numpy 1.11
Compilation seems fine except for numpy libs which not seems to be created.
Here is the end of the building log.

msvc.link.dll bin.v2\libs\python\build\msvc-12.0\release\address-model-64\threading-multi\boost_numpy3-vc120-mt-1_63.dll
msvc.manifest.dll bin.v2\libs\python\build\msvc-12.0\release\address-model-64\threading-multi\boost_numpy3-vc120-mt-1_63.dll
common.copy stage\lib\boost_numpy3-vc120-mt-1_63.dll
        1 fichier(s) copié(s).
common.copy stage\lib\boost_numpy3-vc120-mt-1_63.libLe fichier spécifié est introuvable.

    copy /b "bin.v2\libs\python\build\msvc-12.0\release\address-model-64\threading-multi\boost_numpy3-vc120-mt-1_63.lib" + this-file-does-not-exist-A698EE780689
9E69 "stage\lib\boost_numpy3-vc120-mt-1_63.lib"

.failed common.copy stage\lib\boost_numpy3-vc120-mt-1_63.lib...
.failed updating 4 targets...
.updated 100 targets...

Xavier Artusi.

PS : There is no problems with static libraries.

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ARTUSI Xavier Jan 23, 2017 01:48 pm