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perl process is killed while loading large xsd schema in memory

From: Paulo SantAnna <psan...@gmail.com>
Wed, 29 Jun 2011 11:52:15 -0700

I have this requirement of loading somewhat large XSD files ( >32M) and use
them to
validate corresponding XML instance files. I have used * what I think * is a
typical LibXML
approach but it runs out of memory on a Linux (Ubuntu 10.10) with 1G RAM. It
runs fine in another much more powerful CentOS box with 8G RAM and I could
consider trying to find the exact memory requirements, however since I will
run multiple of these tests I'm just afraid I'm postponing the inevitable.
Currently just the following is enough to run out of memory:


use strict;
use warnings;

use XML::LibXML;

my $xsdfile = 'config.xsd';
my $schema = eval { XML::LibXML::Schema->new( location => $xsdfile ) };

if ( $@ ) {
        warn "$@\n";

print "All good\n";

After that I run (below is not an exact code snippet):

my $parser = XML::LibXML->new( recover => 1 );
$doc = eval { $parser->parse_file($xmlfile) };
eval { $schema->validate($doc) };

To validate the XML doc.  I ran across an example using
a SAX parser but it seems to be a somewhat deprecated library. Any
suggestions? If possible I would like to keep using XML::LibXML as I don't
control the environments where this code needs to run.



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Paulo SantAnna Jun 29, 2011 06:52 pm