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Re: could not find ParserDetails.ini

From: Grant McLean <gra...@mclean.net.nz>
Fri, 04 Jun 2010 10:46:22 +1200
On Thu, 2010-06-03 at 17:31 -0500, Peng Yu wrote: 
> Hi,> > I know this question has been addressed at. But I'm not sure if they> apply to my cases or not.> > http://perl-xml.sourceforge.net/faq/#parserdetails.ini> > Basically, I downloaded the perl source code (perl-5.10.1.tar.bz2),> compiled it and installed it in my home directory (ubuntu linux). I> don't remember I've ever downloaded XML package than install it> separately. So I assume that the XML come with perl source code> package. (Correct me if I'm not correct.)

The ParserDetail.ini message comes from XML::SAX.  This isn't part of
the Perl distribution so either you have install XML::SAX since you
built Perl or you have another installation of XML::SAX (maybe
under /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib). 

> Would you please let me know how to fix the problem?

You need to find where XML::SAX is installed, for example on my system I
located it with this one-liner:

  $ perl -MXML::SAX -le 'print $INC{"XML/SAX.pm"}'

Then you need to create a file using the same path but take off '.pm'
and add '/ParserDetails.ini'.  In my case it would be:


Put these two lines in the file:

http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces = 1

Then your error should go away.

But if you're going to use XML::SAX then you probably ought to install
XML::SAX::Expat or XML::SAX::ExpatXS.


Recent Messages in this Thread
Peng Yu Jun 03, 2010 10:31 pm
Grant McLean Jun 03, 2010 10:46 pm
Peng Yu Jun 03, 2010 11:20 pm
Grant McLean Jun 03, 2010 11:29 pm
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